What’s the deal with people making an upside down “ok ... - Reddit
Additionally, it's become somewhat appropriated by white supremacist/alt-right groups as a sort of "hidden sign" of their affiliation. This purportedly started as a meme/joke from 4chan to trick …
What does the upside down 'OK' hand signal mean? : …
May 1, 2018 · 4chan's /pol/ recently tried to convince the internet that the "ok" hand sign was a white supremacist icon. This largely failed, however some of the extreme left took the bait, …
What is up with putting fingers in an upside down “ok” sign on leg?
I keep seeing videos where someone will do something cool like a flip, then the camera zooms in on them making a circle (or upside down ok sign) with their fingers on their thigh or leg. The …
CMV: The co-option of the "ok" hand symbol as a hate symbol
Feb 1, 2022 · They know they won't lose OP over the OK sign, they KNOW they can't get any new fans money with the OK sign, so they changed the OK sign to get new fans, knowing OP will …
What does the upside down OK hand gesture mean? : …
Oct 31, 2017 · In ASL. don't know the sign for asshole in any other sign languages. It means something different than ok because ASL is not English. There's an entirely different grammar …
When did the 'OK' hand gesture become a 'white power' thing?
Nov 7, 2023 · assholes co-opting cool stuff (Nordic symbols, the number 88, the OK sign, the Punisher logo, the American flag) Indeed. But it's also pretty helpful when they label their …
What’s the deal with the okay sign being associated with ... - Reddit
Mar 16, 2019 · the whole point is that the ok symbol is a universal hand sign used a lot. 4chan did a prank to convince people that it meant white power as a way to make people think it some …
What am I supposed to use for the "ok" sign when I'm diving?
Sep 18, 2018 · Going forward, the sign for OK will be reaching across your body with your left hand to grasp behind your right knee ... thus creating a sort of large 'O'. You then make a fist …
What does the OK sign below your waist mean? : …
What does the OK sign below your waist mean? I've seen it done in so many pictures and kids seem to do it and laugh or say, "you got me." But I have no clue where it comes from or what it …
Is the O.K sign racist? : r/NoStupidQuestions - Reddit
Jul 15, 2021 · Don’t let idiot white supremacists appropriate a benign symbol for ok. I still use it for ok. When it’s done with a nod and a wink, it’s obviously “ok”. It’s not like you’re posing with the …
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