Oospore - Wikipedia
An oospore is a thick-walled sexual spore that develops from a fertilized oosphere in some algae, fungi, and oomycetes. [1] They are believed to have evolved either through the fusion of two …
Oospore - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Under warm and moist soil conditions oospore germination is stimulated by the host exudates (Dyer and Windels, 2003). Oospores form a germ tube which develops vegetative hyphae that …
Oospore | biology | Britannica
The oospore, the fertilized female egg, has spirals on its surface that were imprinted by the spiraling protective cells that surrounded the oospore. Oospores from before about 225 million …
OOSPORE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of OOSPORE is a spore (as of a fungus) produced by heterogamous fertilization.
Oospore - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Oospores and zygospores are the result of sexual reproduction in the Oomycota and Zygomycota, respectively. An oospore forms when an oogonium (female gamete) is fertilized by an …
Difference between Zoospore and Oospore - Biology Ease
Zoospore motility allows it to move out of its host and spread through water or air while oospore motility allows it to travel only within a plant cell and not move freely unless it is a parasite that …
Oospore - Definition, Usage & Quiz | Ultimate Lexicon
An oospore is a thick-walled, resting spore formed by the fertilization of an oosphere (egg cell) in certain organisms such as algae, fungi, and oomycetes. The oospore serves as a zygote and …
Oospore | definition of oospore by Medical dictionary
oospore the thick-walled spore found, for example, in some fungi, and arising from the fertilization of the OOSPHERE derived from an OOGONIUM.
Fireblight: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment | UGA Cooperative …
Oct 15, 2004 · Fireblight is a destructive, highly infectious, and widespread disease. It attacks blossoms, leaves, shoots, branches, fruits, and roots. This publication has some facts and …
What does oospore mean? - Definitions.net
An oospore is a thick-walled sexual spore that develops from a fertilized oosphere in some algae and fungi. Also the result of plasmogamy/karyogamy in oomycetes, which in turn leads to the …