ESA Search Viewer - pa
DEP's Environmental Site Assessment Search Tool allows consultants conducting Phase I environmental site assessments and interested members of the public access to information maintained by DEP concerning permitting, licensing, inspection, compliance, discharges of pollution, regulated storage tanks, site remediation, and enforcement.
Dept of Environmental Protection - pa
The Uniform Environmental Covenants Act (UECA) generally requires the use of environmental covenants (ECs) when engineering or institutional controls are necessary to demonstrate attainment or assure maintenance of an Act 2 remediation standard. DEP is obligated under UECA to maintain a registry for the public display of covenants received.
Theme layers applied, you may need to zoom into a specific area for them to be visible. OK. Josh Shapiro, Governor Jessica Shirley, Acting Secretary DEP Home Help
Dept of Environmental Protection - pa
The information presented in the legacy development map application consists of information submitted to the Department, and the Department provides the information "as is".
PennEnviroScreen - gis.dep.pa.gov
PennEnviroScreen - gis.dep.pa.gov ... Loading... ...
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) created the PennEnviroScreen framework which provides an annually updated snapshot of undue environmental burden on vulnerable communities.
Treatment Facilities Monitoring Program. Certain soil types in the Pennsylvania Lake Erie Basin can be challenging for the proper function of traditional, in-ground, on-lot
Next select municipality. Only municipalities in selected county with AULs are listed:
PA Oil and Gas Mapping
County, Municipality and Operator Search will display only wells in the selected county and municipality with the selected operator that meet the search criteria submitted and sho
Dept of Environmental Protection - pa
The user also has the ability to use map functionality to locate a specific address, county, latitude and longitude, municipality or zip code. Additionally, the user has the ability to link to the PA DEP Oil & Gas Reporting Website to review production …