CRITTER: Rare pake ulua the Bigeye Trevally
Oct 26, 2024 · This 100-foot tall underwater cliff is open to the deep blue water and I often see game fish there like the Giant Trevally (ulua aukea) and the Bluefin Trevally (omilu), but on this …
Ulua Fish - The Different Types Of Ulua And What They Are
There are many different types of ulua and not just one. They are fast-swimming predators, like other carangids, feeding on a number of fish and crustaceans. Juvenile ulua, also known as …
CRITTER: Rare pake ulua the Bigeye Trevally - The Garden Island
Oct 26, 2024 · Two large pake ulua out of a big school of Bigeye Trevally at 60 feet deep near Hale’iwa, Oahu.
Help with local name of a pompano, please. : r/Hawaii - Reddit
Sep 27, 2011 · To start naming a few: Silver Papio/Ulua = Giant Travelly Omilu = Bluefin Travelly Bigeye Jack = Pake Ulua/papio also mempachi papio/ulua Yellow Spot.... the list goes on here …
Pake Ulua - YouTube
Pake Ulua: I stopped by the only known school of Bigeye Trevally that I’m aware of on Oahu. I’ve checked on them over the last four years. I like knowing the...
Nelson (1984) placed the species Parastromateus niger in its own family, Apolectidae (Formionidae), but in 1994 fol-lowed Smith-Vaniz (1984a) and placed it in Carangidae. …
Hawaii Tracker | Pake Ulua: I stopped by the only known school of ...
Pake Ulua: I stopped by the only known school of Bigeye Trevally that I’m aware of on Oahu. I’ve checked on them over the last four years. I like knowing they are still there.
Bigeye Jack or Pake Ulua, Caranx sexfasciatus
Relatively rare in Hawaii. Large eyes, elongate body, a black spot at the upper edge of the gill opening, and white fin tips. Attains 33 inches. Red Sea to Ecuador.
Oahu’s Pake Ulua - YouTube
Oct 7, 2023 · Oahu’s Pake Ulua: These are Bigeye Trevally and one of the few schools on Oahu. They circle like this during the day being night hunters. I do think most of ...
Pacific Food Guide | Trevallys - University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Also known as the great white trevally, it is silver to silvery-black in color and has a steep head profile. Can be found over the reef and on seaward reefs.