operators - What does =~ do in Perl? - Stack Overflow
man perlop "perlop - Perl operators and precedence" (at least in UNIX-like) answers this question: "Binary "=~" binds a scalar expression to a pattern match." – U. Windl Commented Apr 1, …
variables - What is the meaning of @_ in Perl? - Stack Overflow
Dec 30, 2010 · perldoc perlvar is the first place to check for any special-named Perl variable info. Quoting: @_: Within a subroutine the array @_ contains the parameters passed to that …
syntax - What are the differences between $, @, % in Perl variable ...
Apr 5, 2011 · Here the sigil changes to $ to denote that you are accessing a scalar, however the trailing [0] tells perl that it is accessing a scalar element of the array in _ or in other words, @_. …
What does the -> arrow do in Perl? - Stack Overflow
Feb 6, 2011 · Perl arrow operator has one other use: Class−>method invokes subroutine method in package Class. though it's completely different than your code sample. Only including it for …
How does double arrow (=>) operator work in Perl?
Feb 2, 2016 · The => operator in perl is basically the same as comma. The only difference is that if there's an unquoted word on the left, it's treated like a quoted word. The only difference is …
operators - What is the difference between "||" and "or" in Perl ...
Nov 10, 2019 · From Perl documentation:. OR List operators. On the right side of a list operator, it has very low precedence, such that it controls all comma-separated expressions found there.
What's the use of <> in Perl? - Stack Overflow
Mar 13, 2015 · So, if the shell is handing you a bunch of file names, and you'd like to go through each one's data in turn, perl's <> operator gives you a nice way of doing that...it puts the next …
如何从零开始学习 Perl? - 知乎
Learning Perl (豆瓣) 开始。快速浏览加实践下书上代码,两天就可以读个大概。 不过小骆驼书只覆盖了Perl Programming最基础的一部分知识,当你需要用Perl做面对对象或者大型程序编程 …
Perl flags -pe, -pi, -p, -w, -d, -i, -t? - Stack Overflow
Jun 10, 2011 · However, when I try to google for what each flag means, I mainly get results to generic Perl sites and no specific information regarding the flags or their use is found there. …
[办公编程]Python不算啥,我已经有更好的选择——Perl(一文快速 …
Perl的数字和字符串之间可自动转换,你说它自动转换,它咋知道我想写的是数还是字符? Perl的发明者告诉你,这语言可聪明了,它会看你的 写的代码里这行涉及的操作符号。 你要是写了 …