Paint Schemes - SuperCub.Org
Apr 14, 2015 · Piper Drawing I masked this Cub up using the 1959 scheme drawing from the Cub Club. Worked for me. I also had the 1959 Piper handbook to refer to as well, which had a picture of a PA-18A in the ag section in this scheme. I did make a couple of little changes. I left the scribble off the tail, because that's just what it looks like to me.
paint schemes - SuperCub.Org
Feb 27, 2010 · Here is an example of the offering from the Cub Club. This is the main picture on the 1962 paint scheme drawing that I bought in 2002 for $10. Besides not having any valuable information on the drawing, the copy is virtually illegible. The Cub Club has never been embarrassed about charging $10 to $30 for poor quality illegible drawings.
Best and worst paint schemes - SuperCub.Org
Jan 12, 2003 · Although I used to think the 60's and early 70's piper paint scheme was the "only" one, I am starting to like some of the 50's schemes as well. Personally, I think the 77 scheme with only the top stripe is Pipers worst.
Super Cub Paint Schemes | SuperCub.Org
Oct 4, 2002 · Super Cub paint schemes I like the older original paint schemes as well as the newer design. I know that Piper, Cessna and others employ commercial artists to design their schemes and they do a lot better job than me.
Paint schemes | SuperCub.Org
Mar 14, 2023 · Feel free to post pics of your Super Cub here. I have an idea of what I want to do but am a little ways off from painting. (Probably next summer.) This is the paint scheme I am leaning toward except in blue-The Pawnee I am going to do will look similar to this except with a …
Super Cub Paint Schemes | Page 2 | SuperCub.Org
Oct 4, 2002 · Paint I did my PA-14 in the 1978 ('77 had only one stripe) to 83 Piper factory PA-18 paint scheme. I looked at a lot of PA-12/14's and most of the paint schemes made them look fat. Actually they they are fat, but there are ways to hide it and make the plane look sleek.
Supercub Paint Schemes
Apr 30, 2004 · I am trying to write an article for the Cub Club on the SC paint schemes. I have the factory drawings for 55,56,58,59,60,61,62. I need others, or ANY info you may have on various schemes. I need hard facts please. I have been in contact w/ Clide Smith and the Cub Club, but it looks like I have all the info they have so we are breaking new ...
Paint scheme: Which year? - SuperCub.Org
Nov 2, 2004 · Early Paint Schemes I'm curious about the early paint schemes too. I'm planning on a restoration of my SC next year ('50 model) and am in the planning stage now. I would like to see some pictures of the early paint schemes if there are any available.
1954 PA-18 Paint Scheme. - SuperCub.Org
Jan 22, 2016 · My Dad bought a new PA-18 A in 1954. The paint scheme was very similar to the one you show except the N number was on the wings. It was 8079C. Wish we still had it. A nice flying cub. We sprayed with it for many years. Piper Pete
Paint ideas for PA-12 - SuperCub.Org
Apr 12, 2010 · My Cessna paint is 10 years old and has always parked outside. Last week I touched up well over 100 new rivets with white, red, and charcoal paint from the original cans. The majority were red. Perfect match. White will stain, but …