Extinction threat from ocean plastic pollution is growing | World ...
Feb 21, 2022 · Ocean plastic pollution is set to grow fourfold by 2050, says a new report. And there may be 50 times more microplastics in the sea by 2100. Plastic pollution is pushing some species to the brink of extinction. But technological innovation and combined global action can help avert disaster.
We know plastic pollution is bad - The World Economic Forum
Jan 19, 2022 · This means the pernicious effects of all this plastic pollution on the marine environment are particularly concerning. A plastic-choked and warming ocean will create a negative feedback loop where plant and animal life suffer, less carbon dioxide is absorbed and our ability to rein in climate change is further hampered.
Plastic pollution: which two oceans contain the most?
Aug 22, 2016 · The gyre in the North Pacific represents one-third of the plastic pollution in all oceans, with an estimated 2 trillion pieces. In fact, the so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch is already a well-documented phenomenon, having been discovered by Charles Moore in 1997.
How the ASEAN region's plastic pollution is being defeated
Oct 10, 2023 · The Philippines alone leaked 356,371 metric tonnes of plastic waste into the ocean in a year, about 35% of the global figure. This record is followed by Malaysia (73,098), Indonesia (56,333), Myanmar (40,000), Vietnam (28,221) and Thailand (22,806). Together, these countries account for more than half of the world’s ocean plastic pollution.
How much plastic is in the ocean and what we can do about it?
Nov 2, 2020 · Plastic pollution in the ocean could be an even bigger problem than first feared, with 14.4 million tonnes of microplastics estimated to be at the bottom of the sea. The figure is more than double the amount of plastic thought to be on the ocean's surface, according to a team from Australia’s national science agency, the Commonwealth ...
Here's how we can tackle plastic pollution to save the ocean
Nov 10, 2022 · Stopping ocean plastic pollution at the source — the production of single-use plastics — is a key way to reduce ocean plastics, make a positive impact on ocean health and in the wider fight against climate change.
Low-tech, high-impact solutions to ocean plastic pollution | World ...
Feb 11, 2022 · Protecting ocean ecosystems from plastic pollution is one of the defining environmental imperatives of our time. The sheer scale of the challenge is daunting. The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) says 8 million tonnes of plastic waste end up in our oceans every year , and forecasts suggest this could double by 2025 if we don’t take drastic action.
Around 90% of all river-borne plastic that ends up in the ocean …
Jun 8, 2018 · 8 steps to solve the ocean’s plastic problem; Our oceans are in crisis. Here’s how technology could save them; These 11 innovations will tackle the causes of ocean plastic pollution, not just the symptoms; We don’t need to ban plastic. We just need to start using it properly; Here are 5 of the biggest threats to our oceans, and how we can ...
8 steps to solve the ocean’s plastic problem - The World Economic …
Mar 2, 2018 · Plastic pollution in the ocean was documented by researchers as far back as 1970. For everyone else, 2017 was probably the year when their eyes were seriously opened. The plastic problem is now so huge that it can be observed on beaches in all corners of the world.
Indonesia is battling plastic waste long before it gets to sea
Mar 3, 2021 · Reducing plastic waste at source is a key part of Indonesia's battle against ocean pollution Mar 3, 2021 Innovations in reuse systems: the Koinpack app allows warung (shop) owners to make deposit transactions and register bottle …