Renge Miyauchi | Non Non Biyori Wiki | Fandom
Renge Miyauchi (宮内 れんげMiyauchi Renge?) is one of the main characters of Non Non Biyori and the Spin off, Non Non Biyori: Remember. She is a first grade student in the Asahigaoka …
Renge Miyauchi (Non Non Biyori) - MyAnimeList.net
Renge is a first grade elementary school student of the Asahigaoka Branch School. She is Kazuho and Hikage's youngest sister. Though she generally acts her age, exploring the …
Non Non Biyori - Wikipedia
Renge is a first grade student. Her catchphrase is "Nyanpasū" (Meow-ning), a nonsensical phrase, and she plays the recorder. While she generally acts her age, she is often quite …
Introduction to the Characters of Non Non Biyori
Sep 16, 2015 · Renge, or Ren-chon, likes to greet people with Nyanpasu, a cute catchphrase with no literal meaning which is usually accompanied with her raising her right hand. She also puts …
Non Non Biyori - MyAnimeList.net
Oct 8, 2013 · The most colorful of them is Renge Miyauchi, a first-grader who is often perceptive despite her age. However, no less intriguing are the three Koshigaya siblings: the quiet oldest …
Non Non Biyori (TV Series 2013–2021) - IMDb
When Hotaru Ichijo transfers schools from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo to a quaint and quiet village in the countryside, she's in for a big adjustment. With her new quirky classmates, …
Non Non Biyori: Ren Chon - Dont worry! - YouTube
Aug 31, 2015 · Clip from Episode 5 of Non Non Biyori(I do not own the rights to this video)
Why is Non Non Biyori categorised as Seinen? – Sauvik Biswas
Aug 23, 2014 · In one of the episodes, she carries Ren-chon on her scooter but doesn’t drive. She makes an excuse that it is dangerous to ride doubles. That is actually not the case. What she …
Renge MIYAUCHI - Anime-Planet
she reminds me of kanna from Miss Kobayashi's dragon maid. Respond to tt3tt3tt Follow
Renge MIYAUCHI (Character) – aniSearch.com
Renge mag Hasen und Curry sehr gern. Außerdem hat sie einen Marderhund namens „Gu“ als Haustier. Von Natsumi wird sie häufig „Ren-chon“ gerufen. Quelle: …