SCP-252 - SCP Foundation
Oct 8, 2022 · Item #: SCP-252. Object Class: Euclid Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-252 is to be contained in a 150 m 3 aquarium, reinforced with high tensile steel plating. …
SCP-252-EX - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-252-EX is a Mark 65 general-purpose aerial bomb, used by the armed forces of the United States during World War II and the Korean War. The words “The Pink Scare” were …
SCP-252 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-252 is a sub-species of the Humboldt Squid that creates illusions, causing people to believe that is a giant sea monster. People that fall victim to its …
SCP-252 - Гигантский кальмар
Описание: SCP-252 - это подвид Dosidicus gigas (кальмар Гумбольдта). Зрелые особи SCP-252 обладают значительно меньшими размерами, чем обычные представители этого …
SCP-252 | VsDebating Wiki | Fandom
SCP-252 is a slightly smaller mutation of the Humboldt Squid species. It was discovered by the Foundation when numerous reports of incredibly large sea monsters were arising in a focused …
SCP-252 | Humboldt Squid (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying Item number SCP-252: Humboldt Squid, Object class: Safe.SCP-252 is a s...
SCP-252 - Fondation SCP
Le comportement des instances est pour l'essentiel identique aux spécimens normaux, excepté en chasse ou lorsqu'ils sont menacés. Quand un membre de SCP-252 repère une proie, il …
SCP-252 War Squid - YouTube
00:00 SCP-252 Humboldt Squid 14:48 SCP-1128 - The Aquatic Horror35:21 SCP-1449 - Dreamtime Whale Shark47:28 SCP-169 - Leviathan01:04:39 SCP-057-IT - Under th...
SCP-252 - Fundacja SCP
Jul 22, 2022 · Identyfikator podmiotu: SCP-252. Klasa podmiotu: Euclid Bezpieczne. Specjalne Czynności Przechowawcze: SCP-252 ma być przechowywany we wzmocnionym wytrzymałym …
SCP-252 - SCP Foundation - Wikidot
SCP-252. Klassifizierung: Euclid Sicher. Sicherheitsmaßnahmen: SCP-252 ist in einem 150 m 3 großen Aquarium einzudämmen, das mit einer hochfesten Stahlplatte verstärkt ist. Die …
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