Forest Hill Station and SF Muni PCC 1009--An Adventure.
SF MUNI PCC "Torpedo" Double-End (St. Louis Car Co., 1948) 1009 was the "Star of the show" and took us most anywhere we wanted to go and explore. We visited the stub terminals of the "N" and "L" lines before backing up and traversing the reverse loops.
SF Muni fare collectors, where are they now? - Trainorders.com
> SF Muni Railway about gross fare cheating by those > entering the car/bus through the rear doors. This > while the vehicle discharges passengers and the > operator is busy collecting fares at the front > door. > When I was a kid there were Muni fare collectors > stationed at a few busy stops downtown.Van Ness, > Trans bay terminal, etc.
SF Muni nostalgia (pre-PCC days) - Trainorders.com
The Jones Street dinky shuttled between Market St. and O'Farrell connecting with the O'Farrell, Jones & Hyde Street cable car line. The latter used the same cars running today on the California Street cable route. The shuttle cars were also double enders, but shorter. The dinky bit …
Passenger Trains > SF MUNI Heritage Weekend Videos
I recorded video of the SF MUNI buses, as couple of the buses gave me a feeling of travelling backwards in time. Flyer E800 electric trolley bus (#5300) was everywhere in San Francisco when I was a kid. Rode them a lot.
Passenger Trains > SF MUNI Underground - Trainorders.com
SF MUNI Underground Author: broken_link Photos 9 and 10: Looking at the fare gates on the concourse level for the Union Square / Market Street Station as seen from the south.
Passenger Trains > SF Muni token - Trainorders.com
The Muni pulled them out of storage again in the mid-60's for a while. They were sold at places like the Emporium and Merrill's. It was not uncommon to find Market St. Railway tokes mixed in. Somewhere I have some stashed that I bought but who knows where
Passenger Trains > Historic SF MUNI photos - Trainorders.com
SF Muni 1, built in San Francisco and recently overhauled in Pennsylvania, was the star of the show for the Centennial. 1) Here it is turning from Market into 11th St. 2)onto 11th--note the historic trolley bus on the right.
Passenger Trains > SF Muni Trolley Question - Trainorders.com
Re: SF Muni Trolley Question Author: peh934 As sactobob says, the PCC and Milan streetcars normally run on the F-line from Castro to Fisherman's Wharf, but must use the J-line to get to and from the car barn each day.
Capitol Corridor to SF Giants ballpark? - Trainorders.com
There's an Amtrak Thruway Bus stop at the Hyatt in SF, which is a walking distance from the BART/MUNI Embarcadero Station. You can hop on MUNI Light Rail to the Giants ballpark from there - N and T lines. Quick research says K and T lines are combined now ("KT" on Google).
Strange Winter Weather in San Francisco & the SF Muni
Well, Winterail had a slight twist to it this year.. An Annual tradition for myself and friends is to meet in San Francisco for dinner the night before Winterail. This year, well, after a rather dramatic lightning storm around 7:20pm on Friday March 10, the largest hailstorm that SF