SSR vs SCR for heating element : what is the difference? - Physics …
Jun 5, 2013 · If your AC source is approximately the same voltage range you want for the heater element, you idea can work, But if you have a 480 VAC source and the elements max V is 100V - then the Thyristor or SSR will not regulate very well - or if the source is 120V but 20 A and you need 40 -50 A to get the heat necessary, same issue.
MCNP6 Error: "Geometry error: no cell found" - Physics Forums
Dec 26, 2024 · respected all i am using MCNP6 and i am facing this problem from days and i can not found solution if anyone help me than i am ever grateful to you files are attached ...
I want a temperature controller for a 12V, 40W ceramic cartridge …
Aug 24, 2020 · Yes, It is working. For that you will require one temperature controller, one SSR and an Transformer(as per your cartridge heater - For 12V cartridge heater a step down transformer of 12V with 5Amps current rating will be sufficient). Wiring is pretty simple.
Cannot open GBW file with ORCA input - Physics Forums
Jun 7, 2024 · I got to the forum by clicking the link, chrome, Version 125.0.6422.142 also firefox, V 126.0.1 and edge, latest version
Vacuum pump design - Physics Forums
Dec 9, 2024 · Hello everyone, I’m working on a project where I need to use a cylindrical tube with a vacuum pump to suck in mechanical parts. The tube approaches the part, and the vacuum generated by the pump draws the part into the tube. I want to understand how to link the key parameters of the system: the...
MCNP6.2 - SDEF on a RCC surface - Physics Forums
Apr 4, 2023 · Hi everyone, I'm trying to set up a surface neutron source on the surface of a cylinder defined as a macrobody (RCC) and used also to define cell of the system. My aim is setting up a surface source where I'd like to give a specific spectrum (and DIR) at each surface defining the cylinder...
Troubleshooting MCNP6: 'Bad Trouble in Subroutine Source' & More
Jun 27, 2022 · Hi! so i kinda stuck when i tried to run my code in MCNP6 because the output keep showing me "bad trouble in subroutine source of mcrun you need a source subroutine." While I am sure i already put my KCODE and KSRC in my …
Understanding Superposition Physically and Mathematically
Jun 10, 2019 · Quantum vs Classical Logic. Classical logic is concretely expressed using the algebra of sets. Our ontological model of classical reality is a set of states of reality. Prepositions about outcomes of deterministic experiments may then be reduced to sets of states of realities that cause the respective outcomes.
Constant density vs Incompressible - Physics Forums
Feb 3, 2017 · The continuity equation in fluid mechanics is: Do the condition of "constant-density fluid' and 'imcompressible flow' have the same effect on the continuity equation, in that the first two terms disappear? Or is there a difference between these assumptions?
Logarithmic vs exponential scales - Physics Forums
Jan 23, 2010 · Not sure what an exponential scale is. I've not heard of. I suppose you could plot e y vs x on a graph, but can't think of a reason to do so. Plotting log 10 y vs x or log e y vs x is done all the time for convenience because a large range of y can be compactly represented.