SCP-213 - SCP Foundation
Oct 10, 2024 · Description: SCP-213 is an adolescent humanoid male, 1.5 m tall, weighing 95 kg. SCP-213 is able to forcefully sever the bonds between atoms in any solid or semi-solid matter with physical contact. An intense flash of light is produced when doing so.
SCP-213 is able to forcefully sever the bonds between atoms in any solid or semi-solid matter with physical contact. An intense flash of light is produced when doing so. SCP-213 can use any part of its body to manifest this effect, and has used it …
SCP-213 - Anti-Matter Parasite - YouTube
SCP-213 was recovered from Palo Alto, CA, when reports of a teenage boy being arrested for homicide after "vaporizing" his girlfriend during coitus reached agents embedded in the local police...
SCP-213 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
SCP-213 possesses the apparent ability to forcefully sever the bonds between atoms in most any solid or semi-solid matter with physical contact. A highly visible light is produced when doing so, leading some researchers to theorize that he produces a unique type of energy, forced through the structure of objects to nullify their molecular bonds.
SCP-213 - SCP基金会
SCP-213是在加州的帕罗奥图被回收的,当时潜伏在当地警局的特工接到报告说一名十多岁的男孩因在性交中“蒸发”了自己的女友而被以杀人罪逮捕。 之后的调查显示出了SCP-213的反常属性。 然而,在最初的接触中,SCP-213蒸发了尝试拘捕他的复数特工。 在与机动特遣队- - 的交火中,SCP-213在被收容前成功使两名特工失能。 SCP-213的收容措施于 / /19 被定案,并被归类为Euclid。 附录213-07: SCP-213进行了第七次脱逃尝试。 当要求再次与 博士进行交谈之 …
SCP-213-ARC [Author: Harmony, Daydreamin, BlastYoBoots
SCP-213 was recovered from Palo Alto, CA, when reports of a teenage boy being arrested for homicide after "vaporizing" his girlfriend during coitus reached agents embedded in the local police department.
SCP-213 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
SCP-213 should know why he is contained to prevent harmful effects. Laconic Description: SCP-213 is a teenage that can destroy matter while touching it which results in a lot of pain to him. He was contained after accidentally vaporizing his girlfriend.
SCP-213 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
Description: SCP-213 is an adolescent human male, 1.5 m tall, weighing 95 kg. SCP-213 is able to forcefully sever the bonds between atoms in any solid or semi-solid matter with physical contact. An intense flash of light is produced when doing so.
SCP 213 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Full show notes and audio podcast for episode, SCP#213, go to specialchronicles.com
SCP-213 - Anti-Matter Parasite - YouTube
SCP 213 is a Euclid Class anomaly also known as Anti-Matter Parasite.SCP-213 is an adolescent humanoid male, 1.5 m tall, weighing 95 kg. SCP-213 is able to f...
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