AUSTRALIA: Buffalo & Scrub Bull Hunt 2023 - AfricaHunting.com
Jan 30, 2020 · This big black scrub bull is a potential record, when I get him back home I will get him officially scored. A mate of mine has the number 3 scrub bull in the world taken with a bow and this big fella's horns are quite a bit bigger than that bull so I'm thinking he will hit the record books fairly high up the ladder for a scrub bull taken with a rifle.
Scrub Bull Hunt 2023 Which Rifle? - AfricaHunting.com
Nov 17, 2022 · I have a scrub bull hunt coming up mid 2023 and I'm struggling to decide which rifle I want to take with me. All the rifles I have are suitable its just I like hunting with them all and cant make a final decision, good problem to have right. I'm going for scrub bulls however I …
AUSTRALIA: Scrub Bull Hunt In The Northern Territory
Apr 1, 2017 · Nobody else in the party could smell the cattle, but fortunately Craig could. Craig commented that it smelt like a cattle yard. The wind was favorable to us as we walked towards the thick scrub. Clint said, “there’s a scrub bull!” I am glad he saw it because it was extremely difficult to see in the scrub and tended to blend in with the trees.
Scrub bull hunt - AfricaHunting.com
Apr 1, 2017 · Scrub bull hunt. Thread starter Dr Ray Start date Feb 28 ... (note flood). Many are thick pandanus scrub ...
Scrub Bull - AfricaHunting.com
Feb 28, 2020 · Six years ago my Dad shot his first NT scrub bull and we took the backstraps and tried to bash it and cook it into submission. We gave up. I threw it over the fence to try to help this starving, persecuted, homeless, skittish dog. She’s now sleeping on her own couch across from me, and killed a huge whip snake in the yard last week.
Scrub Bull Hunt 2023 Which Rifle? | Page 2 - AfricaHunting.com
Nov 17, 2022 · I was lucky enough to hunt two scrub bulls in the NT in 2015. Used the outfitter's Merkel DR in 9.3x74. One shot each and they were done! Four years later I hunted two more in Hawaii and this time used the guide's Model 70 in 300 Win mag. Same results. Like any dangerous game, if stationary and taken by surprise, they are not hard to bring down.
9.3X62 320 Grain Woodleigh | AfricaHunting.com
Jan 30, 2020 · Seriously considering taking my 9.3X62 over my 375H&H on a scrub bull hunt this year. The load with 58 grains of RL15 proved accurate as well, below is a 3 shot group at 50 metres with a 4 power scope, even with the flyer (which I'm pretty sure was me) it's sitting at 0.8".
Scrub bull hunt - AfricaHunting.com
Apr 1, 2017 · Saw a scrub bull and stalked him. I was using 416 Remington magnum loaded with 400 grain Woodleigh hydros backed by 77 grains of AR2208. First shot knocked him over. Somehow he got up and started to run. I shot him through the top of the shoulder well almost the top. My son Craig had a shot with the same rifle (Winchester bolt action - Safari ...
Scrub Bull Hunt in Australia - $3,000 USD - AfricaHunting.com
May 14, 2009 · Scrub Bull in Australia - March 29-April 2, 2013- Easter Weekend PH: Hayden Potts Outfitter: Unique Australian Adventures Price: $3,000 USD I have a very unique opportunity for a massive problem scrub bull in Australia. This particular bull is believed to be a brahman cross and has been destroying fences and making a nuisance of himself.
ARGENTINA: Argentin's Mountain Scrub Bull Hunting
Jul 3, 2014 · The area where I hunt these Scrub Bull´s or Wild Oxen is in the Sierras de Córdoba.....almost next to my home in the bushy mountains. At the begining We used to climb the Mountain riding in a horse back with out good results and quickly We realized that it was a mistake.....to much noise, to much movement.