Pressing and drying seaweed - Woods Hole Oceanographic …
Pressing and drying seaweed To dry seaweed, simply arrange it on anything from trays to cookie sheets to screens. You can also dry large kelp by hanging them over railings or on laundry lines. Place them in a warm room, in the sun, or in a warm oven. These dried seaweeds can later be re-submersed in salt water to be studied.
Seaweed Cultivation - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Sep 8, 2023 · What is seaweed? Seaweed, or marine macrolagae, includes many different kinds of photosynthetic organisms. Some, like kelp and sea lettuce, are found in coastal areas where they cling to the ocean floor in areas shallow enough to receive sufficient light for photosynthesis. Others, like sargassum, float freely in the open ocean.
Edible Seaweed - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Humans have eaten seaweed for centuries—pickled, dried, and raw—adding a deep savory flavor known as umami. When farmed, seaweed improves water quality and absorbs excess carbon. Some varieties provide as much protein as meat, eggs, dairy, and soy. As global demand for food increases, here are some of the colorful…
Selective breeding seaweed - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Selective breeding seaweed Using a mix of rulers, calipers, and measuring tapes, a dozen scientists—an aquaculture geek squad of sorts—are sizing up thousands of individual kelp blades recently harvested from offshore seaweed farms in New England in order to find the best specimens for selective breeding.
2025 will likely be a ‘major’ seaweed year, experts say
Jan 14, 2025 · 266 Woods Hole Road, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1050. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is a 501 (c)(3) organization.
Ocean Encounters: Seaweed Solutions - Woods Hole …
Ocean Encounters: Seaweed Solutions How scientists, ocean farmers, and policymakers are looking to kelp as a sustainable solution to some of the toughest issues facing our world today. As our climate continues to change and food insecurity grows worldwide, scientists and others are looking to solve these problems without harming marine ecosystems.
Aquaculture - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Jun 25, 2020 · Shellfish and seaweed aquaculture also provide valuable services to marine ecosystems and the planet. Shellfish and seaweeds absorb carbon dioxide rather than producing it like land-based livestock. In fact, dense seaweed farms can create a “halo-effect” around them that could help mitigate local ocean acidification.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution receives Seagriculture …
Oct 5, 2022 · The team developed an automated underwater seaweed seed-string deployment device (patent pending) with potential to reduce labor needs on seaweed farms in Kodiak, Alaska. The device, funded by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission: 2020 Marine Pilot RFP Selected Project, has two seed-spools which are loaded on an automated line seeder ...
Seaweed Solutions: WHOI leads project to develop new kelp strains
Now more than ever, seaweed farming is being viewed as a sustainable and efficient way to boost economies, provide nutritious food, and diversify ocean life. Take a look at the work of WHOI’s Scott Lindell, a research specialist in aquaculture technology, leading a research project to develop seaweed strains for commercial uses.
Phytoplankton - A Simple Guide | WHOI - Woods Hole …
Aug 20, 2020 · Phytoplankton are primary producers of the ocean—the organisms that form the base of the food chain. WHOI explores the microscopic, single-celled organisms.