SKA-P will start 2020 this weekend with a sold-out in Mexico. SKA-P closed the previous year visiting Greece, Russia, Mexico and Spain, as part of the mastodóntica presentation tour of “his most recent work, Game Over”, which will continue this 2020 which is presented as another great year for Madrid .
Historia EN - Ska-P
But one of his songs began to stand out in Madrid: it was a song in support of Rayo Vallecano. The Ska-P musicians are very close to the Vallekas neighborhood (although only some of its members live there). In fact, the band always moves through the streets of this neighborhood and rehearses there.
Pulpul EN – Ska-P
And finally Pakito, Toni, Kogote, Julio and I decided to form a combative ska band called SKA-P. (by the way, the name came from Pakito). I took two songs to the rehearsal room to play, one of them very important for the beginnings of the band "COMO UN RAYO", a song dedicated to the Rayista fans, that worked like hell, first of all because we ...
10 July, 2024 – Ska-P
Jul 10, 2024 · SKA-P And Beer. Pako, first drummer of Ska-P and one of the founding members, opens a merchandise store for the band and launches a new beer with the band’s name.The entire Ska-P wishes him all the luck in the world.You can find him on all social networks with the name @SKAPANDBEER
Músicos EN – Ska-P
Album Ska-P 2013 Live; Tour 2010; Tour 2008/2009; Tour 2000/2005 Album 1; Tour 2000/2005 Album 2; Tour 2000/2005 Album 3; Videos; Management. Management; Contact Us; Links; Musicians of Group. PulPul. Voice / Guitar / Founder. They call me PULPUL, but my name is Roberto. I did not grow up in Vallekas as many people believe. I was born in Madrid ...
Vídeos EN – Ska-P
Album Ska-P 2013 Live; Tour 2010; Tour 2008/2009; Tour 2000/2005 Album 1; Tour 2000/2005 Album 2; Tour 2000/2005 Album 3; Videos; Management. Management; Contact Us; Links; Videos. El Chupacabras. Las Flores. Estimado John. You can also listen to the new single “Estimado John” on the platforms. Spotify. Youtube. No lo volveré a hacer mas ...
Tienda – Ska-P
Album Ska-P 2013 Live; Album Tour 2010; Album Tour 2009; Album Tour 2008/2009; Album Tour 2000/2005 Album 1; Album Tour 2000/2005 Album 2; Album Tour 2000/2005 Album 3; Vídeos; Contratación. Contratación; Contacta con nosotros; Enlaces
Tienda – Aviso Legal y Política de privacidad EN – Ska-P
EMAIL: [email protected]. The information processing system created is located at the registered office, which is established for the purposes of this Legal Notice, at SIMIOLON S.L., C/ Ladera de los Almendros Nº 18E, 5º C, Madrid, C.P. 28032, Spain; under the supervision and control of SIMIOLON S.L., who assumes responsibility for the ...
Inicio EN – Ska-P
Album Ska-P 2013 Live; Tour 2010; Tour 2008/2009; Tour 2000/2005 Album 1; Tour 2000/2005 Album 2; Tour 2000/2005 Album 3; Videos; Management. Management; Contact Us;
Kogote EN – Ska-P
Album Ska-P 2013 Live; Tour 2010; Tour 2008/2009; Tour 2000/2005 Album 1; Tour 2000/2005 Album 2; Tour 2000/2005 Album 3; Videos; Management. Management; Contact Us; Links; Kogote. I was born in Madrid, in April 1972, specifically in the La Latina neighborhood, I grew up in Carabanchel but part of my childhood and adolescence was spent with my ...