Facetectomy: What It Does and How It Works - Verywell Health
Mar 4, 2025 · A facetectomy is a spinal surgical procedure for people who experience moderate to severe pain as a result of an impinged (pinched) spinal nerve. The pain may be the result of conditions such as narrowing of the facet joints or disc herniation.
What Is Facetectomy Spine Surgery? - Neurosurgery One
What Is Facetectomy Spine Surgery? A facetectomy surgery, which is sometimes referred to as a partial inferior facetectomy, or a total facetectomy, partially removes one or both of the facet joints on a set of vertebrae in the spine.
What Is a Lumbar Facetectomy? - MedicineNet
A lumbar facetectomy is a surgical procedure to relieve the pressure on the nerve roots that pass close to the facet joints of the lumbar spine in the low back. During a lumbar facetectomy the surgeon partially or entirely removes the affected facet joints in the lumbar region of the spine.
Spine Surgery: Laminectomy Versus Facetectomy - USA Spine …
A facetectomy is similar to a laminectomy in that a portion of bone is removed from the spinal column to provide additional room to decompress affected nerves. The difference is that facetectomy involves the partial or complete removal of …
Facetectomy: Goals, procedure, and recovery - Medical News Today
Jan 31, 2023 · A facetectomy is a spine surgery to remove one or both facet joints of a vertebra. Surgery aims to release pressure on a trapped nerve and reduce pain.
Do I Need a Facetectomy for Facet Disease? | Advanced Spine …
Feb 19, 2025 · A facetectomy is a surgical procedure that allows your doctor to remove bone spurs that have grown into the facet joints. In many cases, these growths, known as osteophytes, impact nerves in the spinal column, causing pain and a decreased range of motion.
Surgery for Lumbar Facet Joint Disorders - Spine-health
Facetectomy. A facetectomy involves trimming parts of a facet joint to remove excess bone ( bone spurs ) that may impinge on spinal nerves and/or the spinal cord. Facet joint surgery may not always be successful. 7 Curtis L, Shah N, Padalia D. Facet Joint Disease.
Facetectomy | Overview & Technique | Bonati Spine Institute
A facetectomy, also called a partial inferior facetectomy, is performed to relieve pressure on spinal nerve roots. Facets are the smooth, flat surfaces of the vertebrae that interlock and allow the spine to flex. Facet joints permit gliding movements between the vertebrae.
How Is a Lumbar Facetectomy Performed? - MedicineNet
A lumbar facetectomy is a surgical procedure to remove facet joints in the lumbar vertebrae of the low back. An orthopedic spine surgeon performs the lumbar facetectomy with the help of general anesthesia.
Lumbar Facetectomy: Overview, Preparation, Technique - Medscape
Feb 16, 2024 · A lumbar facetectomy is the most common spinal decompressive surgical procedure in patients older than 60 years. It removes the pressure of the spinal nerve roots near the facet joint when...