Best Tinker Target (Robot) - Vintage (Type 1) - MTG Salvation
Mar 6, 2011 · LETS TALK TINKER TARGETS. In this article, Demars discusses a series of 'tests' for a tinker bot. All the ones he mentions Myr BS is best at, but I pointed out on the mana drain that his list had some gross omissions. If you consider Titan, Sphinx, Inkwell, DSC, and Myr BS as potential tinker targets, let's just run them through by matchups.
[SCD] Tinker - Commander (EDH) - The Game - MTG Salvation
Dec 31, 2013 · Tinker would probably have to cost a bare minimum of 3UUUU to be "fair", and even then I would be worried about that theoretical mana cost. At a fundamental level, Tinker is just plain broken. It combines two of the most dangerous and powerful abilities in the game (tutoring + bypassing mana costs) and puts them on the same card.
[MOC] Tinker Time precon — MTG Muddstah preview
Apr 4, 2023 · The last deck is the Tinker Time precon. It's a GUR artifact tokens deck. Joining Gimbal, Gremlin Prodigy at the work tables are the two that probably brough...
[Deck] Tinker - Budget (Vintage) - Vintage (Type 1) - MTG Salvation
Dec 13, 2012 · if your seeking a tinker deck, I'd go with a mud stax style with lands like ancient tomb and with kuldotha forgemaster. Artifact hate is out there and a good offense is a good defense. Set up the board with non artifact hate and spell hate like lodestone golem etc and go mono blue for mystical tutor and counter magic FoW. And maybe splice black ...
Suggestions for a Tinker/artifact deck... - MTG Salvation
Mar 1, 2010 · So I'm trying to make a deck around Tinker and big artifact creatures. Can you suggest any cards that would work well with this deck besides the obvious big artifact creatures? Specifically...other cards that function like Tinker to pull out big cards w/o paying their cost, or ways to get cards from your graveyard to your hand or in play.
Blightsteel Colossus (Turn One Win) Deck Building - MTG Salvation
May 6, 2015 · With 4 Tinker + 7 draw 7s and Ancestrals, the probability of you hitting a a Tinker on turn 1 is very high without running bad tutors. More draw 7s before topdeck tutors IMO. Mana Vault over Sol Ring because it is +2 on initial turn, which nets more mana for turn 1 wins.
Blightsteel Tinker Deck - Casual & Multiplayer Formats - MTG …
May 29, 2015 · My most hilarious use of Tinker... Opening Hand: 2 x Ancestral Recall, 2 x Mana Crypt, Tinker, Mox Opal, Black Lotus Play out mana rocks, tapping Opal for Ancestral. Draw Lotus Petal, Wheel of Fortune, Tolarian Academy. Play Academy and Petal, using Petal to cast the other Ancestral. Draw Lotus Petal, Blightsteel Colossus, Black Lotus.
Tinker on Panoptic Mirror; do I sacrifice an artifact? - MTG Salvation
Feb 24, 2019 · An additional cost may be mandatory: Tinker has it, Tormenting Voice also does. If you put either of them on Panoptic Mirror, you still need to sacrifice an artifact to cast Tinker, and discard a card to cast Voice. An additional cost may also be optional. Kicker is a classic example of an optional additional cost.
Why don't people tinker for Blightsteel anymore? - MTG Salvation
Oct 4, 2015 · He's the fastest tinker target in a control deck unless you have half of the vault/key combo, so he's still the best against decks that don't play the answers you mention (Steel Sabotage is another bad one). The most common decks that come to mind are shops and dredge.
Is Tinker still a viable deck in Vintage? - MTG Salvation
Dec 3, 2007 · For the most part, there actually is a T2 Tinker deck from Urza's block, revolving around cheating out big artifacts with Tinker and massive artifact acceleration. The more traditional Vintage Tinker deck would probably have been Gifts (pre-restriction), which revolved around draining your opponents key spells to power out Gifts piles or Tinker ...