Zoro and Sanji vs the Tobi Roppo - Battles - Comic Vine
Dec 27, 2021 · Vs . Rules: 1. Everyone will be at their peak . 2. Sanji will not impede Zoro from attacking females . 3. Tobi Roppo have perfect teamwork . 4. Tobi Roppo have full knowledge on Zoro and Sanji
Red Scabbards Vs Flying Six : One Piece - Battles - Comic Vine
May 6, 2022 · And Drake isn't significantly stronger than his fellow Tobi Roppo like Who's who. Overall the akazaya 9 are on par with Tobi roppo individually. With number advantage they sweep.even without Sulong.
Tobi Roppo VS CP9 - Battles - Comic Vine
Nov 24, 2021 · Tobi Roppo CP9 RulesCP9 have movie, Enies Lobby, and current featsTobi Roppo in their strongest formsPerfect teamwork bloodlustedFull Knowledge
[Bleach vs One Piece] Tobi Roppo vs Espada - Comic Vine
The Tobi Roppo are possibly physically stronger than them, it's not enough to defeat the flying nuke Espada. Even if the Tobi Roppo are durable enough, the death god guy and the one with glasses ...
Tobi Roppo vs Katakuri & Doflamingo - Battles - Comic Vine
Nov 24, 2021 · Tobi roppo, Katakuri is the real problem. Ulti and Page One can take on Doffy. Ulti is fast enough to tag Luffy. Usopp and Nami didn't beat Ulti and Page One. Needing a Yonko to finally defeat ...
Yamato vs the Tobbi Roppo - Battles - Comic Vine
Sep 20, 2021 · Tobi Roppo aside from Ulti and Who's Who were kinda disappointing, and maybe Page One. I'd give it to Yamato. 2 years ago. deactivated-61a94331705e8. Follow 8773. Forum Posts. 0 ...
Luffy vs Tobi Roppo - Battles - Comic Vine
Dec 12, 2020 · Tobi Roppo will prevent them to get to Onigashima's roof by any means necessary • 3 years ago. deactivated-61a94331705e8. Follow 8773. Forum Posts. 0. Wiki Points. 0. Followers ...
Ulti vs Black Maria (One Piece) - Battles - Comic Vine
Aug 12, 2021 · Ulti, Tobi Roppo (One Piece)Black Maria, Tobi Roppo (One Piece) Standard Gear and EquipmentTo death or KOLocation Black Maria's pleasure hallNow that
Straw Hat Crew vs Tobi Roppo - Battles - Comic Vine
May 4, 2020 · Poll Straw Hat Crew vs Tobi Roppo (3 votes) Straw Hats stomps 33% . Tobi Roppo clears 33% . Zoro solos 0% . Sanji solos 33% . Jimbe solos 0% . Go. D Usopp solostomps ...
Beast Pirates vs Impel Down - Battles - Comic Vine
R1: Tobi Roppo win in a landslide. A stronger Jinbe had to get stronger haki to defeat just 1 Tobi Roppo (Who's Who) and Jinbe is like the strongest in the impel down crew.