Todd C. Mowry
Greetings! I'm a professor in the Computer Science Department here at Carnegie Mellon University. My research interests span a number of areas in the design of computer systems, including computer architecture, compiler optimization, operating systems, parallel processing, and database performance.
Publications — Todd C. Mowry
Sep 13, 2017 · Angela Demke Brown, Todd C. Mowry and Orran Krieger. Compiler-Based I/O Prefetching for Out-of-Core Applications. In ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 19(2):111-170, May 2001.
Overview & CV — Todd C. Mowry
Education: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, March 1994. Thesis: “Tolerating Latency Through Software-Controlled Data Prefetching. Supervisors ...
Current Courses - Todd C. Mowry
Current Courses. 15-418/618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming (Spring, 2025). 07-400: Research Practicum in Computer Science (Spring, 2025)
PhD Students: Current — Todd C. Mowry
ZIQI WANG. Research focus: Leveraging multi-versioning hardware support to improve memory hierarchy efficiency. (Co-advised with Dimitrios Skarlatos.)
Overview — Todd C. Mowry
Research Overview. The goal of my group's research is to make it easier for programmers to execute their software more efficiently on modern computer systems.
Courses Previously Taught — Todd C. Mowry
Undergraduate Courses. 15-418/618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming (Spring, 2025). 15-418/618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming (Spring, 2024). 15-418/ 618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming (Fall, 2022) 15-418/618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming (Fall, 2021). 15-418/618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming (Fall, 2020)
Service — Todd C. Mowry
University Service and Committees. Director of the Computer Science Department Ph.D. program, 2015-present. Associate Department Head for Faculty, 2009-2010.
Affiliations — Todd C. Mowry
Todd C. Mowry. Home Research. Overview Projects Affiliations PhD Students: Current PhD Students: Alumni Publications Teaching. Current Courses Courses Previously Taught Bio. Overview & CV Awards ...
Projects — Todd C. Mowry
The goal of this project is to enable aggressive code transformations (e.g., to exploit parallelism) by preserving the high-level intent of the programmer without necessarily preserving sequential semantics.