Algae, Turf - SpringerLink
Algae turfs are sparse to thick mats of diminutive and juvenile algae less than 2 cm high. Turf communities (Figure 1) are composed of juvenile macroalgae and faster-growing filamentous species accompanied by the ubiquitous blue-greens, diatoms, and detrital sediments.
Algae in Turf - NC State Extension Publications
Aug 19, 2022 · Maintenance of dense, healthy turf is the most effective way to prevent algae invasions. Avoid establishing turf in heavily shaded or poorly drained areas, or take steps to correct these problems in established turf.
Mar 4, 2020 · Acrochaete endozoica is pathogenic in the gorgonian coral, Pseudoplexaura spp., which forms nodules in response to algal infection (Goldberg et al. 1984).
Algae in Turf - North Carolina State University
Algal growth is most aggressive during the late spring, summer, and early fall when warm, humid conditions are conducive to algae growth and turf thinning. Low mowing heights, shady conditions, poor soil drainage, and frequent irrigation encourage algal growth in the turf canopy.
What are algal turfs? Towards a better description of turfs
Jan 9, 2014 · In the marine realm, algal 'turfs' are increasingly reported to be globally expanding at the expense of kelps and canopy-forming algae. However, ecological research about the underlying drivers...
Controlling Moss and Algae in Turf | UGA Cooperative Extension
Factors that favor moss and algae development include wet, humid conditions and compacted soils with thin turf. Moss is more common in shady areas with infertile, acidic soils and excessive thatch; algae is more common in full sun conditions and fertile soils.
Algae | Penn State Turfgrass Pest Diagnostic Lab
Algal growth can create a slimy or slimy appearance on turfgrass, often seen as green or bluish-green mats. Excessive algal growth can result in indirect injury to turfgrass by impeding air and water movement and reducing soil aeration and drainage.
Turf algae are multispecies assemblages of diminutive, mostly filamentous algae that attain a vertical height of only 1 mm to 2 cm (Figure 1). Turf algae often exist as assem-
Feedback mechanisms stabilise degraded turf algal systems at …
Feb 16, 2021 · Here we show that ocean acidification promotes turf algae over corals and macroalgae, mediating new habitat conditions that create stabilising feedback loops (altered physicochemical environment...
Algal turfs are major components of intertidal and subtidal rocky coasts of all latitudes (i.e. tropical, temperate, polar) and central to fundamental descriptions of pat-terns of benthos at local (Virgilio et al. 2006) through biogeographic scales (Connell & Irving 2008).