Veeva Dash - Stampylongnose Wiki
Veeva Dash was first seen in the episode I See You, but she joined Stampy's Lovely World, long before that episode aired. Through her Twitter, it was implied that Hit the Target invited her in, and she helped him build things such as the tunnel, that was meant to steal Stampy's dogs, and helped Hit the Target … See more
Her skin is mostly red, yellow, and grey, that is similar to Hit the Target's colors, and her face is similar to that of Chloe's. See more
When Stampy is gone, Veeva explores his Lovely World and posts pictures of it on her Twitter (@VeevaDash). Some of the notable pictures were a picture of the front of Stampy's house from its roof, and a picture with her and a friend riding the Big Bananaroller-coaster in the Funland. Later, after it's revealed that she is Hit the Target's … See more
- I See You
- She appeared by the Doghouse, and Stampy decided that she could play the mini-game, that would decide the Employee of the Month for the iC Optician building. She and Choo Choowon the mini-game, although she cheated using a swiftness potion. See more
Text under CC-BY-SA licenseVeeva Dash | Inconsistently Heinous Wiki | Fandom
Veeva Dash is the secondary antagonist of Stampy’s Lovely World series. She is the Hit The Target’s girlfriend and right-hand woman. She used to be one of Stampy’s Minecraft helpers, …
Veeva Dash | Magnificent Baddie Wiki | Fandom
Veeva Dash is the secondary antagonist of the YouTube series, 'Stampy's lovely world'. She is very skilled at inventing creating complex contraptions many times such as when she: She …
So like what happened to veeva dash? : r/Stampylongnose - Reddit
First one is yes, due to the letters being signed VD. Next, in one episode, Stampy helped Veeva Dash from falling into her own trap, so he got paid back, and the last one is also yes. All but …
- Reviews: 6
Fight To Forgive | Stampylongnose Wiki | Fandom
While Hit The Target and Veeva Dash return to their fortress from the Emergency Igloo: The original spawn-point of the world, Stampy investigates the fortress further. He retrieves his stolen armor and sword from looting Hit The Target's …
Veeva Dash was trying to warn him : r/Stampylongnose - Reddit
The letters in the final episode are Veeva Dash's attempts to warn Stampy about HTT's attacks. "Dont go through the glowing door" is about Mirror World (658). "Change your minecraft …
- People also ask
the "veeva dash being good" part of the finale is so detailed
the letters were written by "V.D." (veeva dash) and they started before the episode "Mirror World" and this hit the target episode is the one after "Helpless". In helpless, veeva dash ends up in a …
Veeva Dash Robot | Stampylongnose Wiki | Fandom
The Veeva Dash Robot was a robot built by Hit the Target and Veeva Dash in order to trick Stampy and Santa. It only appeared once in the Christmas special, "Uninvited Guests", alongside a Hit The Target Robot.
Veeva Dash - Villains Fanon Wiki
Veeva Dash is the secondary antagonist of Stampy’s Lovely World series. She is Hit The Target’s girlfriend and right hand woman. She used to be one of Stampy’s Minecraft helpers, until it was revealed she was working for Hit The Target …
Stampy vs Hit the Target & Veeva Dash (Newest to Oldest)
Stampy’s episodes of core episodes and battles against Hit the Target & Veeva Dash. This playlist does not include sightings or brief interactions, only the ...
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