Veeva Dash - Stampylongnose Wiki
Veeva Dash is the secondary antagonist of Stampy's Lovely World. Veeva Dash was first seen in the episode I See You, but she joined Stampy's Lovely World, long before that episode aired.
Veeva Dash | Inconsistently Heinous Wiki - Fandom
Veeva Dash is the secondary antagonist of Stampy’s Lovely World series. She is the Hit The Target’s girlfriend and right-hand woman. She used to be one of Stampy’s Minecraft helpers, until it was revealed she was working for Hit The Target and tried to kill Stampy by releasing a …
Veeva Dash | Magnificent Baddie Wiki | Fandom
Veeva Dash is the secondary antagonist of the YouTube series, 'Stampy's lovely world'. She is very skilled at inventing creating complex contraptions many times such as when she: She made a machine that was able to steal Stampy's voice. She made a brainwashing device. She made a huge laser that...
Stampylongnose - Hero Fanon Wiki
Following the third Halloween and the construction of three buildings, Veeva Dash would expose her true identity to him, luring Stampy to the fortress and spawning a Wither with the intention of destroying his world with it.
Stampy's Lovely World | Stampylongnose Wiki | Fandom
The series centers around Stampylongnose and his Minecraft helpers building within the titular world, alternating between his town and amusement park areas, while battling Hit The Target and Veeva Dash who plan to take over his world using a dog army under the …
Veeva dash | SkyTDM Wikia | Fandom
She is a secondary villain and hit the target's only partner… (lol so sad HTT is) Before she is secondary villain,she was a mysterious player hanging around the playground after stampy was left the world. After stampy introduced her his world,she appeared almost all episodes.
Veeva Dash Robot | Stampylongnose Wiki - Fandom
The Veeva Dash Robot was a robot built by Hit the Target and Veeva Dash in order to trick Stampy and Santa. It only appeared once in the Christmas special, "Uninvited Guests", alongside a Hit The Target Robot.
Stampy Wiki - Fandom
Unofficial Stampy Cat Wiki featuring all statistics about his lovely world and characters! A lot of these may be wrong so please do comment if you spot something wrong! Featured Today. Veeva Dash [1] Photos and videos are a great way to add visuals to your wiki. Add one below! Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Veeva Dash | Chandler P Chumsworth Wiki | Fandom
Veeva Dash was a Protagonist of Chandler's Lovely World. She appears in an episode and is not to well at Minecraft. In the end, she becomes a much better Minecraft Player.
Veeva Dash - Villains Fanon Wiki
Veeva Dash is the secondary antagonist of Stampy’s Lovely World series. She is Hit The Target’s girlfriend and right hand woman. She used to be one of Stampy’s Minecraft helpers, until it was revealed she was working for Hit The Target and tried to kill Stampy by releasing a wither on him.