The Voice of the Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to follow Christ. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and his wife, Sabina, founded VOM after being imprisoned for their Christian witness in Communist Romania.
La Voz de los Mártires
La Red VOM de Líderes de Iglesias existe para preparar y animar a pastores, personal y líderes ministeriales con recursos gratuitos de discipulado inspirados en el valiente y fiel testimonio de los cristianos perseguidos.
About VOM - The Voice of the Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to follow Christ. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and his wife, Sabina, founded VOM after being imprisoned for their Christian witness in Communist Romania.
Acerca de VOM - La Voz de los Mártires
LA VOZ DE LOS MÁRTIRES (VOM, por sus siglas en inglés) es una organización misionera dedicada a servir a los cristianos perseguidos en los lugares del mundo en que es más difícil y peligroso ser cristiano. Richard y Sabina Wurmbrand fundaron VOM después de haber sido encarcelados por su testimonio cristiano en la Rumania comunista.
Our Founders - The Voice of the Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs • Founded by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand • VOM President Cole Richards • VOM Radio Host Todd Nettleton
Page 30 of 99 - VOM - Stories
Insights From Cole Richards, VOM President, On Responding to Issues The following reflection is written by Cole Richards, President of The Voice of the Martyrs. In this insightful passage, he offers insight on being united with our persecuted family members.
Beaten Bible Distributor Needs Surgery - Stories
Mar 6, 2025 · A believer named Faraj has needed multiple surgeries after severe persecution. Faraj would carefully place Bibles on empty bus seats in Iran, praying people would find them, read them and come to know Jesus like he did. Eventually, Iranian authorities discovered his clandestine Bible distribution program and arrested him. His jailers tortured him, knocking out numerous teeth and breaking his ...
Be a voice - The Voice of the Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs | Founded by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand | VOM President Cole Richards | VOM Radio Host Todd Nettleton
VOM App - The Voice of the Martyrs - persecution.com
Things you can do with the VOM app. Pray daily for persecuted Christians; Access e-books and audiobooks; Watch movies, videos, and virtual events; Listen to VOM Radio episodes; Earn badges for completing activities; Discover resources for kids; Access group studies; Invite friends and family to join you
Donate - The Voice of the Martyrs
VOM’S Global Ministry. Stand with Persecuted Christians. Serve persecuted Christians in hostile areas and restricted nations and be a voice for them. Your gift addresses all ministry needs, including the immediate needs of our persecuted brothers and sisters, while calling Christians around the world into closer fellowship with the persecuted ...