Faulty Walmart Oil Change - TheLaw.com
Dec 4, 2015 · I drive a 2012 Ford Focus and on October 28, 2015 I went to Walmart's tire center in Mobile, AL for an oil change because I was traveling out of town that weekend for Halloween. I currently attend college in this area so decided to take care of this in between classes. I took my car to Walmart and they said that they performed the oil change.
Faulty oil change at walmart ruined my engine | TheLaw.com
Jun 7, 2017 · From what I know, a lot of their techs in the auto centers are not ASE-certified. I know this because a neighbor of mine used to work for them, and he's ASE-certified. He worked in the auto center for 6 months and, then they put him at the front door as a greeter. They put someone from the deli into the auto center when that happened.
Car Accident Parking Lot Accidents: Fault and Liability
Jul 23, 2012 · Most of these parking lot accidents are hit-and-run cases. For legal help after a parking lot accident, what one could do is check for witnesses or security cameras on the scene.
Wal-Mart - Fired for alcohol question? | TheLaw.com
Jan 22, 2010 · 3) The third problem is obvious, they couldn't fire me because I passed there test, at Walmart there are stages of disciplinary action, counseling which is nothing, coaching which is level 1 verbal, than coaching level 2 which is written and goes into the system, then step 3 …
Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft - Relative stole everything …
Oct 14, 2024 · Hi, I was charged with a battery and I had to take the charge in a plea deal otherwise she was going to testify against me but there wasn't much evidence but anyways my question is I was displaced from the residence that I was renting from but it wasn't an official rental agreement it was a verbal agreement with the family member and then in this time that …
Damage from hitting curb on company property | TheLaw.com
Dec 16, 2019 · I don't know who consolidated my item. But these are two separate events. And yes, I do have pictures showing the rims are completely flawless before. In case you didn't know, PVD is extremely durable. The photo I shot was before going into the tire center. After the tire center the same rim's PVD coating was torn completely off.
Dealership Liability NH - TheLaw.com
Apr 26, 2017 · The dealership is no more responsible for NOT instructing you that eggs can sometimes be broken in transit as would Safeway, Kroger, or Walmart for watching you roughly throw your groceries into your trunk. Had the salesperson placed the vehicle in your car, or assisted you in doing so, there MIGHT be liability.
how to vacate a levy | TheLaw.com
Jul 24, 2009 · I owned a restaurant/event center. The business license is soley in my name. A food vendor/creditor won a judgement against me. Today, he levied my JOINT bank account with my husband. I am disabled and can not work. My husbands salary is the only income that goes into that account. Do I have legal recourse to stop the levy?
Property Invasion, Damages, Trespass Probable Cause Or Not
Nov 16, 2017 · Welcome to our legal community! Click here or the create new topic button to ask a question and receive answers and comments from our friendly and helpful legal community.
Store asking me to hand over my backpack before entering
Mar 3, 2016 · An couple of local stores have taken to intermittently ask me to hand over my backpack before entering the store to shop. I do not carry an purse and my backpack contains my ID, social security card, debit card, money and other personal belongings. I live far out in the country and have very...