Dart (missile) - Wikipedia
Darts are airborne ranged weapons. They are designed to fly such that a sharp, often weighted point will strike first. They can be distinguished from javelins by the presence of fletching (feathers on the tail) and a shaft that is shorter or more flexible. Darts can be propelled by hand or with the aid of a hand-held implement such as a blowgun.
Plumbata - Wikipedia
Plumbatae or martiobarbuli were lead -weighted darts carried by infantrymen in Antiquity and the Middle Ages. They were used to inflict damage on enemies at a distance before engaging in close combat.
Flechette - Wikipedia
The name comes from French flèchette (from \flèche), meaning "little arrow" or "dart", and sometimes retains the grave accent in English: flèchette. They have been used as ballistic weapons since World War I .
The Plumbata — The Forgotten Long-Distance Weapon of The …
Jan 26, 2022 · In order to harass an enemy from a distance, the Roman soldiers adopted a new weapon, called the plumbata. The plumbata was a type of war dart. This throwing weapon originated in Greece around 500 BC. Around 300 AD, it was massively adopted by the late Roman armies and later Eastern Roman armies.
A Deadly Precision Weapon of Ancient Rome: The Plumbata
With its evolution from a simple iron dart to a formidable projectile that disrupted enemy formations, it also had a lasting impact on the battlefield. So how did this weapon come to be and what does modern archaeology have to tell us about its fascinating history?
Dart (missile) - Military Wiki | Fandom
Darts are missile weapons, designed to fly such that a sharp, often weighted point will strike first. They can be distinguished from javelins by fletching (i.e., feathers on the tail) and a shaft that is shorter and/or more flexible, and from arrows by the fact that they are not of the right length to use with a normal bow.
WWI Flechettes – The troop piercing arrows dropped from …
Mar 3, 2018 · These arrows or flechettes as their French inventors called them were considered dangerous as hell. They instilled a significant fear in the enemy ranks, despite their blatant inaccuracy, due to their ability to wreck the body from head …
Late Roman Plumbata War-Dart – Small – Deepeeka - Kult of …
Feb 22, 2018 · This Late Roman Plumbata War Dart has a shaft of wood and a barbed Arrowhead of blackened steel. The dart weight is mild steel and the stabilizing fins are of leather. The weight is of lead, like the originals.
War Dart - Diablo Wiki
A War Dart is an exceptional Throwing Weapon. Throwing Damage: 14 to 27 Melee Damage: 6 to 24 Required Level: 22 Required Strength: 25 Required Dexterity: 97 Melee Range: 1 Max Stack: 160 Class...
By The Sword, Inc. - Late Roman Plumbata War-Dart – Small
This meticulously crafted Late Roman Plumbata War-Dart features a wooden shaft topped with a barbed arrowhead made of blackened steel. The dart's weight is crafted from mild steel, while the stabilizing fins are constructed of durable leather.