Trail Maps - Whitefish Mountain Resort
*All pricing, dates and times subject to change without notice. © 2025 Whitefish Mountain Resort. All rights reserved.
Maps & Conditions | Whitefish Legacy Partners
View or download our Whitefish Trail Map and check on current conditions. Rules and reminders are available as well as trailhead information and directions. Use our interactive map to find the trailhead you'd like to visit.
The Whitefish Trail
The Whitefish Trail is a regional, multi-partner project established in 2010 to develop a 55+ mile loop trail around Whitefish Lake. WLP is working to connect our conservation lands around Whitefish Lake. The Whitefish Trail runs through a mix of state, federal, and private lands.
Paths, Trails, & River Access Information | Whitefish, MT
Maps. Access an interactive Geographic Information System (GIS) map of the bicycle and pedestrian path system. This can be viewed on mobile devices. View a Map of Existing Pedestrian and Bicycle Trails in Whitefish. View a Map of the Whitefish Trails. Connect Whitefish
Hiking Maps - Whitefish Mountain Resort
Hiking Maps. Multi-Use Zone. Hikers and bikers unite! Bob Cedar is a multi-use trail, open to both hikers and mountain bikers, that connects with the Whitefish Trail system. The Danny On trail, East Rim Loop and Flower Point loops are hiking only trails that offer multi-hour treks or a quick hike to some incredible views..
Whitefish N Access via Lupfer Rd. 11.8 mil GIVt Be a Whitefish Trail Friend! This is a multi-use, donor supported trail system. A Montana State Lands recreation use permit is required ONLY outside the trail corridor. Dogs are allowed on the trail and must be in your control at all times. Please respect private lands. The trail system is a non ...
Whitefish Trails
Directions & maps for all the trailheads. A few important things to remember. Trails at Lupfer were added to the Whitefish Trail System to provide trail users yet another opportunity for …
10 Best trails and hikes in Whitefish | AllTrails
Enjoy hand-curated trail maps, along with reviews and photos from nature lovers like you. Explore one of 13 easy hiking trails in Whitefish or discover kid-friendly routes for your next family trip.
Exploring The Whitefish Trail | Whitefish Montana Lodging, …
The Whitefish Trail is a non-motorized, multi-use trail located in Whitefish, Montana. It currently consists of 42 miles of trail and 12 trailheads. The trail is comprised of stacked loops, scenic …
Whitefish Mountain Resort Trail Map | OnTheSnow
View the trails and lifts at Whitefish Mountain Resort with our interactive trail map of the ski resort. Plan out your day before heading to Whitefish Mountain Resort or navigate the mountain while you're at the resort with the latest Whitefish Mountain Resort trail maps.