13 Weird Tools You've Likely Never Seen Before - Popular Mechanics
Dec 18, 2018 · Everyone's heard of an impact driver, miter saw, or even ball peen hammer, but what about a triple tap, a dogleg reamer, or a tailpipe cutter? These are the weirdest tools that you've never heard...
15 Bizarre Looking Tools and What They’re Used For - The Family Handyman
Sep 5, 2023 · These relics and oddities aren't typical tools, but they're fun to look at. It might take you a second to realize what these weird tools do.
15 Unique Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed - The Awesomer
Sep 18, 2023 · We’ve selected 15 cool and unique tools that can make quick work of various tasks, from removing stripped screws to cutting carpet to driving screws and nails in tight quarters. If you’ve ever faced off against a rusted, stripped, or damaged screw, you know how much of a pain they can be to remove.
50 Unusual Tools Designed To Solve Problems That Many Of Us …
The sign of a good tool is that it does the job it was built for very well. But you’d be surprised by just how specialized they can get. The r/specializedtools subreddit is a fascinating online community that documents some of the most bizarre, most niche tools ever created.
51 mysterious tools from the past that only few know their use
These old trinkets can make you wonder what they are and how they would be used. But, the things that we enjoy these days are really just improved versions of the old tools! Take a look at these weird items that may look entirely unfamiliar to …
13 Weird Tools You've Likely Never Seen Before - Yahoo
Dec 18, 2018 · Everyone's heard of an impact driver, miter saw, or even ball peen hammer, but what about a triple tap, a dogleg reamer, or a tailpipe cutter? These are the weirdest tools that you've never heard...
30 Interesting Tools That Only People In Very Specific Fields Get …
Dec 22, 2022 · If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Luckily, we've found some far cooler tools than just boring old hammers!
30 Bizarre Tools That Serve Oddly Specific Purposes
These are the machines serving important but obscure purposes you've never heard of. This Titanium Coated Butter Knife With Internal Copper Alloy Heat Tubes. It’s Made To Heat Up When Held In Your Hand, So That It Is Easier To Spread Butter.
14 Unusual Tools You've Likely Never Seen Before - BabaMail
Scroll on and check out these creative and cleverly made tools with fascinating uses. 16 Cool Specialized Tools You Didn’t Even Know Existed. 1. The Scania P360 fire truck is equipped with a "Scorpion Stinger", which enables it to enter a structure and send water directly into a fire without endangering firefighters. 2.
14 Unusual Tools We Bet You’ve Never Seen Before - BabaMail
From a duck ramp that bridges species-specific gaps to a snow-conquering wheelchair and a robotic maestro for bowling lanes, these tools underscore the brilliance of unorthodox solutions. Related: 14 of the Most Fascinating Specialized Tools You'll See. 1. Wheelchair designed to be used in rough conditions like snow