XTS2500's as a Repeater/Cross Xand Repeater
Sep 23, 2013 · Bendix King has a portable repeater in a Pelican case with two BK portables. Once programmed they can be used as a repeater, or cross band repeater. I have a bunch of XTS2500 radios available, and would like to make a portable repeater with a couple of them, similar to the BK setup Any help is appreciated.
XTS2500 ABC Switch Fix - Codeplug Fix! - RadioReference.com …
Dec 8, 2010 · Ya ya, that being said, for those with XTS2500 and having issues with their ABC switch malfunctioning, this will fix the problem. Tested and verified working. You won't say the XTS2500 is a poor mans XTS5000 when you purchase a XTS2500 tri-mode UCM.....
XTS2500 w/ AES Preloaded Key | RadioReference.com Forums
Apr 10, 2022 · I just wanted to verify before I do something that ends up costing me more money: I have an XTS2500 coming that has AES enabled with a preloaded key. If I used ASTRO25 to write to the radio it should not overwrite the key correct? Or am I stuck using FPP to ensure the key doesn't get deleted...
XTS2500 upgrades - RadioReference.com Forums
May 3, 2018 · Just picked up a lot of xts2500 BN versions 800mhz versions. For next to nothing. They are all analog right now, what would I need to do get them to do 9600 baud trunking and p25? Firmware or flash upgrades? If so what is he latest versions that I should be getting through my Motorola dealer ...
xts 2500 vs 5000, Which do you prefer and why
Sep 23, 2024 · Having both 5000 and 2500 each with its own genuine slim battery, 9862 and 9013. The 5000 is my "home" radio and the 2500 is the "travel" radio.
XTS2500 Enabling Features - RadioReference.com Forums
Oct 28, 2023 · Motorola XTS5000, XTS2500 Programming FPP Flash upgrade. We can flash your radio to FPP or add features such as P25, (9600 Baud etc for the listed price. XTS5000 Programming. Programming is up to 16 conventional or digital channels.
Motorola xts2500 programming software - RadioReference.com …
Sep 5, 2014 · I don't know if this is the correct place for this but I am looking for some help with the Motorola xts2500 programming software. I have installed the software to my computer but when I attempt to open it a message comes up saying "can't find file specified". If …
Vehicular adapter for XTS 2500? | RadioReference.com Forums
Aug 24, 2021 · Hi folks, I was looking recently at those old NTN8560F vehicular adapters, or the newer NTN8560G. Very cheap to find on ebay and would be pretty nice for my 5000. However, I have some 2500s and I was wondering if anybody has every tried using one with the vehicular adapter. I assume the size...
Main differences between XTS 2500 & 5000 - RadioReference.com …
Jun 6, 2005 · The XTS2500 mentions that this is a 'future' option for this unit. Does anybody have any idea when this will be available for the XTS2500? Right now, that is the deciding factor between the two models... and the 2500 is quite a bit less expensive, so I'd prefer that, knowing that IMPRES is coming...
Motorola XTS2500 (display & lights) - RadioReference.com Forums
Mar 15, 2019 · What NCIS was misinformed about these radios was the H02/H04 options. They thought these radios could stun or kill other Military equipment like radars, air craft carriers, you name it! Needless to say, they confiscated the XTS2500 and gave me a receipt for everything they took. I still have this receipt.