Ars moriendi - Wikipedia
The Ars moriendi ("The Art of Dying") are two related Latin texts dating from about 1415 and 1450 which offer advice on the protocols and procedures of a good death, explaining how to "die …
Ars Moriendi - body, life, history, beliefs, time, person ...
The Ars Moriendi, or "art of dying," is a body of Christian literature that provided practical guidance for the dying and those attending them. These manuals informed the dying about …
Ars moriendi. - Library of Congress
Ars moriendi, or The Art of Dying is an important genre of book which reveals the medieval Church rituals surrounding the last rites of a dying Christian. The earliest known printing of the …
Ars Moriendi: The Art of Dying – CERC
One of the most popular books of the late Middle Ages, in fact, was Ars Moriendi, a book written by an anonymous Dominican friar on the art of dying.
Ars moriendi | Catholic Church | The Art of Dying Well
Ars Moriendi. After centuries of ministering to the dying, the Catholic Church has a fund of experience to share in what was traditionally called the art of dying well, or in Latin, Ars …
Ars Moriendi - Encyclopedia.com
The term ars moriendi (the art of dying) has three interrelated meanings: (1) any extended theological or spiritual discussion designed to prepare Christians to die; (2) a genre of works …
Ars moriendi - New World Encyclopedia
Ars moriendi ("The Art of Dying") is the name of two related Latin texts dating from about 1415 and 1450 C.E. which offer advice on the protocols and procedures of a good death and on …