Halo: Reach weapon Time-To-Kill chart. Enjoy! : r/halo - Reddit
Dec 7, 2019 · Also this next one isn't as important, but the DMR has exactly an optimal TTK of 1.6 seconds, assuming the rate of fire values are correct. Either way, nice job on taking some time …
Halo Reach - DMR tips? : r/halo - Reddit
Jul 13, 2015 · I'm a General rank on Halo Reach, and I'm shit. Basically, 2-3 years ago I played Halo Reach hardcore and got really good; but now I got back to it after a long time and I'm still …
r/halo on Reddit: Fans Voted the Reach DMR as the Best DMR of …
May 29, 2021 · The sound design for the Reach DMR perfectly sells the weapon's power and speaks for its effectiveness within the game's sandbox, while the Halo 4 and 5 versions sound …
imo the DMR in Halo Reach is the best weapon : r/haloreach - Reddit
May 6, 2021 · The DMR is a pretty good weapon in campaign, I'd prefer it to be a bit nerfed in multiplayer though. The balance with the assault rifle and battle rifle in Halo 3 was very good …
Halo: Reach DMR : r/halo - Reddit
I played Halo: Reach the other day, for the first time online since Halo 4 release. And I was thinking after using the DMR in Reach, and then shortly after using the DMR from Halo 4, and …
What purpose does the M392 DMR serve? : r/HaloStory - Reddit
Nov 2, 2021 · The M392 (Reach DMR) is about 43in and the M395 (H4/5 DMR) is about 47in. If we want to use the best comparison we should probably use the MA37 and the M392 because …
Halo Reach DMR Thoughts? : r/halo - Reddit
It's been debated in the community and explored amongst the competitive community since Halo: CE and the prevailing consensus by a mile is that spawning with a utility weapon (BR, DMR, …
RNG in the Reach DMR Doesn't Prevent Competitive Play : r/halo
May 28, 2021 · A Halo community Youtuber just launched a poll asking which is the best DMR in the Halo series. The players voted and the answer came up very…
Specifics of Reach DMR in MCC : r/halo - Reddit
Sep 21, 2022 · Reddit's home for all things Halo, the franchise developed by 343 Industries and previously developed by Bungie. Members Online For those who don't know, theres an online …
r/halo on Reddit: I'm confused! The DMR was in Reach, which in …
Mar 22, 2013 · the DMR wasn't "replaced" by the BR, they are just different weapons. even in the present-day militaries, squads of soldiers will often have perhaps one guy who is a …