Pay bills, get usage details, update your account and more. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) provides natural gas and electric service to residential and business customers in northern and central California.
Learn the benefits of an online account, including energy savings, alerts and more. Take control of your business's energy costs so you can stay focused on your customers. Access a limited set …
Learn how and why PG&E sets its rates. Access and share energy usage data for your home or business. Take care of tasks quickly and easily online. Update your account, pay your bill, …
Learn how you can manage your monthly bill and save energy. Want to help pay the energy bill of a friend, neighbor, college student or local business? Make a payment of any amount. Your …
Customer support and answers to common questions. If you smell natural gas or suspect an emergency, leave the area now and call 9-1-1. If you see downed powerlines, stay away. Don’t exit your car or home. Call 9-1-1. Then call PG&E at 1-800-743-5000. Still need assistance?
First responders, city, county and state officials, tribes and other agencies: Find maps, shape files and other information related to a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) and other emergencies. …
It assists residential customers who depend on power for certain medical needs. Eligibility and application details can be found below. Watch a short video about Medical Baseline. Are you a medical professional? Take a few minutes to learn about Medical Baseline. Inform your patients of the benefits and encourage them to apply:
Get started with 5 key strategies. To control your energy usage, manage your bill and save money, it’s helpful to: Understand your bill. Make sure you are on the best rate and know when rates are lowest.
PG&E offers many financial assistance programs. We can find solutions. Pay my PG&E bill. Find a PG&E payment center using the PG&E Payment Center Locator.