TDX players try to not say that TDS copied TDX challange due ... - Reddit
May 4, 2024 · I am talking about TDX's fans just saying ,,oGM tDS cOpied" the post from the TDX sub was literally claiming that the curren't TDS's thumbnail is copied from TDX (meanwhile …
is tds copying tdx now? - Fandom
Apr 26, 2024 · The reason they don't play tdx is because its too hard for their little brains to understand the upgrade paths and like grinding on the same map over and over
The "Copying" Problem. | Fandom - tdx.fandom.com
Apr 26, 2024 · This problem has started when both TDX and TDS made an update about a summoner tower that summons Humvees, and Tanks. On TDX' side, this was a new addition …
TDS and TDX: The Situation Part 1 of 4 - Fandom
Apr 27, 2024 · Hello, my name is Orion, and my job today is to research the case of TDS and TDX, both games communities have been accusing each other of copying ever since the …
I have a very bad feeling about that... (Please not the TDX ... - Reddit
Aside from the TDS copying TDX drama obviously flaring up, trying to make a second path for every or almost every tower might create more bugs than they can currently handle. The game …
Why does everyone have to hate TDX? - Fandom
Mar 30, 2024 · Firstly, the existence of TDX was pretty much to replace TDS. More accurately, to kill TDS. Since John Roblox always mock TDS for "copy" TB and also other things like delay …
Rant about TDX's community being stupidly toxic to TDS, TDX ... - Reddit
TDS recently released their intermiediet mode, and then TDX meatriders already start to say that tds copied tdx. What are the things that are claimed to be copied?: -game icon
The TDX community worries me sometimes. | Fandom
Desperate for attention its getting sad. I'd rather take a more neutral stance. I've played both TD games for a long time, and while people say tdx copy tds, it is somewhat true as tdx took …
After playing the update, I believe this is going to get quite ...
May 10, 2024 · I am here to discuss the controversial parts of the update, not say "tdx copied tds" as I myself despise those types of people who call out the games for the weirdest stuff. When …
Why TDX and TDS Aren't COPYING Each Other..? (Roblox)
In today's video, we're diving into one of the hottest topics within both the TDX and TDS communities: Are TDX and TDS really just copying each other?