their son vs. their sons - WordReference Forums
Sep 13, 2011 · If there is more than one son, then you have to say sons. If two people own a house, we talk about their house . If they own more than one house (regardless of whether this …
Papi (mother to son) - WordReference Forums
Jul 1, 2008 · However, calling a son "mamita" or vice versa would be too weird and even upsetting to me. That being said, my mother-in-law have called my son "mamita" a few times (by …
Since 2011 they have been visiting/visited their child every year
Oct 10, 2020 · Since 2011 they have visited their parents every year, but since last summer they have been visiting every month. I have exercised a lot. (neutral sounding; up to this point in my …
Endearments for Sons and Daughters - WordReference Forums
Aug 7, 2009 · Of course, you should note that it depends on which parent is speaking. Mothers can definitely get away with calling their sons by "sweeter" names than their fathers. You may …
Thus, for example, | WordReference Forums
Feb 8, 2023 · His altogether respectable parents, who dreamed of something rather more substantial and reliable than a career in music for their son, actually hid his clarinet from him. …
reversing family relationship in addressing children
Jun 21, 2006 · In Romanian sometimes the mother calls her son or her daughter: mamă, mami = mother, mummy and the father calls his son or his daughter: tată, tati = father, daddy . I think it …
How do parents address their adult children? - WordReference …
Nov 13, 2023 · Is it common for parents to call their adult children "kids" or "children" in a mobile phone group chat for example as below, if the parents do not call them by their names? Mum: …
I'm a guardian, and my child is... - WordReference Forums
Jul 30, 2016 · I think I would have expected that uncle to call me his "son" rather than his "nephew" if I had lived in his house as he and his wife raised me. Perhaps that expectation …
Kipling's "If": But make allowance for their doubting too,..."
Aug 9, 2008 · As I understand it from the poem, it's a father's advice to his son on how to be to be the best man he can. Basically it's to learn from those around you as well as from yourself. Lis48
You are the same age as me / as mine / as I am - WordReference …
Jul 30, 2013 · Son: How old is their son dad? Father: I haven't seen them since a long time ago. Say, 15 years. When last met them, their son was about 3 - 4 years old. So I guess he should …