Amphitrite – Mythopedia
Mar 8, 2023 · Amphitrite was an enchanting nymph from the depths of the sea. An important goddess in her own right, she became the wife and queen of Poseidon, one of the greatest gods of the Greek pantheon.
Nereids - Mythopedia
Mar 11, 2023 · The most important of these were Amphitrite, Galatea, and Thetis. Amphitrite. Amphitrite—listed among the Nereids by Hesiod, but described by some authorities as an Oceanid instead—was the wife of Poseidon and thus the queen of the sea. When Poseidon first fell in love with her, Amphitrite hid from him in the depths of the sea.
Poseidon - Mythopedia
May 8, 2023 · Poseidon wed Amphitrite, one of the nymphs known as the Nereids and a figure long associated with the sea (and salt water in particular). Together, they had three children: the merman Triton; Benthesicyme; and Rhodos, the patron goddess of …
Neptune – Mythopedia
Dec 9, 2022 · Salacia served as the Roman counterpart to Amphitrite, the sea nymph of Greek lore. Together, Neptune and Salacia had four children: Benthesikyme, Rhodes, Triton, and Proteus. Of these children, Triton and Proteus were the most notable—Triton for being a sea god like his father, and Proteus for having the gift of foresight.
Amphitryon - Mythopedia
Jul 5, 2023 · Amphitryon was a Greek hero from the Argolid—the son of King Alcaeus of Tiryns and the husband of Alcmene. After accidentally killing his father-in-law, Aphitryon was banished and fled to Thebes. There his wife was seduced by Zeus and gave birth to the hero Heracles.
Doris - Mythopedia
Aug 1, 2023 · Thetis, for example, married the hero Peleus and became the mother of Achilles; Amphitrite became the wife of Poseidon and ruled as queen of the sea; and Galatea was known as the unhappy love interest of the Cyclops Polyphemus. Popular Culture
Naiads - Mythopedia
Aug 31, 2023 · Some water nymphs were immortal and occupied an important place among the gods. The Nereid Amphitrite, for example, was the wife of Poseidon himself, the Olympian god of the sea; the Oceanid Metis was the second wife of Zeus, king of the gods; another Oceanid, Doris, married the Titan Oceanus and became the mother of the fifty Nereids.
Thetis – Mythopedia
Mar 8, 2023 · Thetis was a nymph and goddess of the sea, one of the fifty Nereids born to Nereus and Doris, and the wife of the mortal hero Peleus. When her son Achilles went to fight in the Trojan War, she did everything in her power to prevent his death.
Nereus – Mythopedia
Mar 8, 2023 · Etymology. The name “Nereus” (Greek Νηρεύς, translit. Nēreús), which is not necessarily older than the title “Nereid,” may be related to the obscure Greek words νῆρις (nêris, “hollow rock”) and νηρός (nērós, “low-lying”), but it is perhaps more likely to be of pre-Greek origin; Indo-European etymologies have been proposed but have not found widespread ...
Nymphs – Mythopedia
Jan 6, 2023 · The nymphs were minor divinities who took the form of beautiful young women. They represented diverse aspects of nature, including water, mountains, trees, and even specific locales. They were also frequently divided into subgroups (such as Dryads, Naiads, and Nereids) according to the type of environment they inhabited.