Forums - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite
Post discussion for the cosmere at large, Shards, Hoid, or general Arcanum Unbounded content here. All spoilers are allowed, except for upcoming releases/new releases, which have their own forums for discussion.
Stormlight Archive (no WaT) - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon ...
Nov 19, 2020 · We found out in Chapter 16 that Urithiru is made up of 10 tiers, with 18 floors per tier: a total of 180 floors. I would assume that there is some level of significance to the make up of the home of the Knights Radiant. 10 tiers is obviously symbolic due to the importance of 10 on Roshar: surges,...
Shardcast - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite
Feb 6, 2022 · Also, on the subject of godmetal effects being weird, I do think atium and Raysium’s effects make thematic sense with their shards.
Mistborn - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite
Jan 11, 2021 · I was recently introduced to the Cosmere by my brother and I started reading Mistborn. Right now I am reading the Well of Ascension, and something doesn't make sense. Vin and Elend can't find the atium stash anywhere in the city, but it has to be nearby, right? I just got to the part where Dockso...
[OB] Dimensions of Urithiru - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon ...
Sep 12, 2017 · EDIT: Updated with some suggested numbers from the thread It is a little hard to grasp the scale of the tower city. Even Shallan can't capture it on the page! (To talk about that issue and whether it is driven by scale, psychology, or magic, see this thread.) Here are all of the physical descript...
News - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite
17th Shard: the official Brandon Sanderson fan site, covering Elantris, Mistborn, Warbreaker, and the Stormlight Archive
Urithiru - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite
Jan 29, 2012 · I was thinking today about mysteries from The Way of Kings, and I realized one that had received very little attention is Urithiru, the mysterious home of the Radiants. So I decided to compile a list of Urithiru mentions in the books so we could all discuss where Urithiru is and why its so import...
[OB] Dimensions of Urithiru - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon ...
Sep 12, 2017 · We do have numbers, I went to some pains to try and get the drawing to represent them correctly. Your estimates are a little high I think, and you might be discounting the amount of internal space given to non-residential function (giant elevator atrium, for instance), but I think you're in the right zone.
Stormlight Archive (no WaT) - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon ...
Nov 9, 2020 · The first is from Shallan's Sketchbook and is called The Atrium. The second is from Navani's Notebook and is called The Fourth Bridge. The third is also from Navani's Notebook and is called The Arnist Method.
Mistborn - 17th Shard, the Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite
Feb 22, 2016 · Any clue or hint about this? There are three new symbols that appear in the book on the introductory pages of parts Two, Five and Six. I've made a list of all the ones that appear in each part and chapter: Part One: Malatium1: Iron2: SteelPart Two: Unknown1: Tin2: Pewter3: Zinc4: BrassPart Three:...