reloading 12ga rounds with flachettes | Oklahoma Shooters
Nov 14, 2011 · But we never got around to it and now they're gone. By the way, they work pretty good out of a BB gun. We used a daisy pump up, put a BB into the chamber, pumped it 10 times then dropped a flechette down the barrel. We shot a target 30 feet away and it flew straight. Penetration in a one by six was impressive. Lots of fun.
Why not a .50 carry cartridge? | The High Road
Jun 7, 2016 · Right off the bat, I am NOT talking about carrying a .500 S&W for self defense. I am wondering why a cartridge like a .45 ACP is not increased in bore diameter and fired at similar velocities. Imagine a 260 gr bullet, .499 inch diameter, 900 fps. It …
Barrel question | The High Road
Apr 15, 2020 · I've heard on various occasions that, all else being equal (firing schedule, cleaning, etc.) that a .308 barrel will generally have a longer (in some cases...
Remington Faces Default | Page 3 | The High Road
Nov 24, 2017 · Like was said above by @rust collector a company that manifacturers [sic] durable goods is competing against themselves. They better not be or else they're doomed. A manufacturer of durable goods is NOT going to grow their business by sitting around waiting for repeat or replacement...
Ugliest Gun | The High Road
Feb 1, 2019 · Sorry if this has been covered but, In your opinion, what's the ugliest gun ever made?
Went into the doc's for a checkup... | The High Road
Aug 12, 2005 · At the end of the check up I am given this form for the insurance company. It asks all the embarrassing questions (any heart problems? blood pressure? Smoke? use drugs/alcohol? etc.). In the same section they ask "Any firearms in your house?" Well, I was taken aback to say the least. I wrote...
Background checks | The High Road
Jun 22, 2016 · I have a question. Why hasn't a law been proposed to allow anyone to conduct a background check when selling a gun rather than just FFL's. Then, the "90%" of people, or whatever the going Stat is today, who support UBC's can have a background check done when selling a gun, and the other 10% can...
HD Revolver for Retired Couple | The High Road
Mar 6, 2010 · My Dad would like a handgun for HD purposes and, perhaps, to deter coyotes from killing the family dog. (He doesn't want a shotgun, despite my best...