Difference between '{' and '[' when formatting JSON object
Jun 15, 2012 · Does JSON always need curly braces at the top level? Hot Network Questions Implicit differentiation - why ...
Can comments be used in JSON? - Stack Overflow
JSON is defined as a standard by ECMA International. There is always a petition process to have standards revised. It is unlikely that annotations will be added to the JSON standard for …
How to use if statement inside JSON? - Stack Overflow
You can use a library jsoncode that allows you to apply logical expressions directly into JSON and get the necessary result according to the transmitted model:
How to escape special characters in building a JSON string?
Nov 29, 2016 · This is nonsense; strings in JSON can only ever be double-quoted. Try JSON.parse("'foo'") in your browser console, for example, and observe the SyntaxError: …
Which JSON content type do I use? - Stack Overflow
Now that plain text just happens to be valid JSON as well. Would I then be wrong to use text/plain as its mime-type? JSON is a SUB-TYPE of text. So I think both should be allowed. The …
Is there any standard for JSON API response format?
JSON API - JSON API covers creating and updating resources as well, not just responses. JSend - Simple and probably what you are already doing. OData JSON Protocol - Very complicated. …
How to format JSON in notepad++ - Stack Overflow
Paste a sample unformatted but valid JSON data in Notepad++. Select all text in Notepad++ (CTRL+A) and format using Plugins -> JSTool -> JSFormat . NOTE: On side note, if you do …
Tool to generate JSON schema from JSON data [closed]
Sep 8, 2011 · The JSON data can provide a skeleton for the JSON schema. I have not implemented it yet, but it should be possible to give an existing JSON schema as basis, so …
python - How do I write JSON data to a file? - Stack Overflow
To get utf8-encoded file as opposed to ascii-encoded in the accepted answer for Python 2 use:. import io, json with io.open('data.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, …
What is the "right" JSON date format? - Stack Overflow
@RussCam, we can go back and forth, but if somebody is asking the best way to encode dates in JSON, they're asking how to format dates when they make JSON (and the answer is generally …