What really is a Pascal and a Joule? - Physics Forums
Jan 21, 2015 · The same with Joule's. Don't think of it as Kg*m^2/s^2, think about it as a force being applied over a distance. Joule is energy, and an external force does work on an object by an amount of ##W=F\cdot ds## where F is the force and ds is a small chunk of the path that it travels (a line is 1d).
What is a Joule Second? - Explained Easily! - Physics Forums
Jul 9, 2010 · A joule in mechanical work is 1 N of force applied on an object to move it a distance of 1 m. So a joule persecond is doing the above action in one second. Btw, a "joule per second" and a "joule second" are not the same thing. Jule per second is dividing by seconds, joule second would be multiplying by seconds.
How to convert cm^-1 into erg or joules - Physics Forums
Feb 5, 2010 · You cant, because cm^(-1) is not a unit of energy. The base units of energy are m l t^(-2). For example Ergs are grams cm seconds^(-2) and Joules are kg m seconds^(-2).
Adiabatic cooling vs. Joule-Thomson effect - Physics Forums
Sep 14, 2007 · For helium however, Joule-Thomson inversion temperature is far below room temperature, therefore, when deflated, a helium-filled tire will warm up instead. A's rebuttal : B is wrong. Free expansion (as in Joule expansion experiment) assumes expanding against vacuum , and only predicts that temperature of (ideal) gas will be the same after the ...
Searching for Joule Thomson and Thermal Expansion Coefficients …
Jan 21, 2009 · The Equation (14 ) follows from the van der Waals equation, that is good for overall picture, but is not precise in details. The Joule-Thomson coefficient is very sensitive to parameters of the intermolecular forces. Therefore, it is better to use direct experimental data, generalized in databases, like the NIST Database.
Why is Liter*atm equivalent to Joules? - Physics Forums
Feb 17, 2015 · I've taken 1.5 semesters of physics, but I cannot figure this out. The reason I posted this in Chemistry is because I realized that the R constant can be written as 8.314 J/(mol*K) or as .0821 L*atm/(mol*K). So why is the Joule just a …
Converting Coulombs to Joules Without Voltage - Physics Forums
Joule = Volt * Coulomb . Aug 1, 2015 #3 mfb. Mentor. Insights Author. 37,310 14,142. Ankhen said: Hi Is it ...
Can Joules Be Converted to Newtons in Energy Calculations?
Dec 31, 2010 · I'm having trouble with this one: How do I convert joules to Newtons? Say I have a source of energy E that is capable of supplying 10 joules -- per second -- that I wish to use to accelerate a body. Would the energy supply then look something like this(?): E/s = 10 * …
Do Joule Thief's Work With Supercapacitors - Physics Forums
Feb 2, 2016 · If you have the Joule thief as intermediate step all the time, you have its efficiency loss for the whole discharge - you could even end up with less energy than before. If you want to use it only once the capacitor is below 1 V, you need additional logic for that. I …
Entropy Change from Joule Expansion - Physics Forums
Aug 27, 2012 · Joule expansion is not reversible and there is a nonzero entropy change. Since the energy E of an ideal gas is given by E = 3/2 NkT, and since no heat or work is performed on the system, the temperature must be the same.