spacex - Why will Starlink satellites use krypton instead of xenon …
The Starlink satellites, however, will use a different noble gas: krypton. It has a lower density, so the satellite fuel tanks need to be larger, and it offers less performance than xenon. But …
What performance specification would be lower for Krypton than …
May 18, 2019 · The Starlink satellites, however, will use a different noble gas: krypton. It has a lower density, so the satellite fuel tanks need to be larger, and it offers less performance than …
Does Krypton or Xenon produce more thrust in a Hall-effect …
Dec 21, 2022 · Does this then mean that while Krypton needs more power to operate, it achieves higher specific impulse because the electrons will have higher velocity when ionized? But then …
How much krypton is stored on a Starlink satellite?
Aug 20, 2020 · How much krypton (fuel) is there for the krypton-powered ion thrusters on Starlink satellites and how long does it last?
physics - Why might krypton have a lower utilization fraction than ...
May 31, 2020 · The lower mass of krypton with respect to xenon also decreases the sputtering yield approximately by the square root of the mass ratio. If Hall thruster efficiency on krypton …
spacex - How much krypton do Starlink satellites carry when they …
Nov 27, 2020 · Starlink satellites use krypton as propellant. This answer roughly estimates 2.3 kg of Krypton based on a total delta-V of 190 m/s and an exhaust velocity of 20,000 m/s. But how …
What are the tradeoffs in propellant choices for ion/electric based ...
Jul 9, 2024 · If you change fuels (say from xenon to krypton, which is lighter), but don't change field strengths, then F stays the same, while m decreases, which means a (acceleration on the …
How much does it cost to fill an ion thuster with Xenon for a ...
Apr 9, 2015 · The Starlink constellation v1 satellites used Krypton for its ion thrusters. Starlink v2 satellites use Argon. Alibaba shows Krypton at around ~$100 / cubic meter, which is less than …
ion thruster - How much of the world's xenon has been used in ...
Jun 2, 2021 · Krypton is far more common (~1 ppm, over 10x that of xenon), and is produced with similar strategies, so it is a lot cheaper than xenon, at 290 USD per kilogram. SpaceX is …
ion thruster - Have light gases like hydrogen or helium been …
Apr 13, 2020 · (Top edit: The Question asserts "Xenon and krypton are popular despite their heavy mass" and asks about exploring H or He ion propellants for improved Isp. This answer …