Pacifism - Wikipedia
Pacifism covers a spectrum of views, including the belief that international disputes can and should be peacefully resolved, calls for the abolition of the institutions of the military and war, opposition to any organization of society through governmental force (anarchist or libertarian pacifism), rejection of the use of physical violence to obtain political, economic or …
Pacifism | History, Justifications, Criticism, & Types | Britannica
pacifism, the principled opposition to war and violence as a means of settling disputes.Pacifism may entail the belief that the waging of war by a state and the participation in war by an individual are absolutely wrong, under any circumstances.. Early religious and philosophical movements. In the ancient world, war was taken for granted as a necessary evil …
Pacifism - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Jul 6, 2006 · Pacifism is a commitment to peace and opposition to war. Our ordinary language allows a diverse set of beliefs and commitments to be held together under the general rubric of pacifism. This article will explain the family resemblance among the variety of pacifisms. It will locate pacifism within deontological and consequentialist approaches to ...
PACIFISM中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Pacifism - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Pacifism for many means an anti-war stance, but pacifism can also be construed as a broader theory incorporating doctrines of non-violence, passive resistance, and moral purity. Although the emphasis on pacifism as an anti-war doctrine is the focus of this article, the other nuances of the theory need to be noted.
和平主义 - 百度百科
和平主义又称“非战主义”。广义包括非暴力运动和不抵抗运动;狭义是指主张建立永久和平、反对一切战争的思想。作为一种抽象地、无原则地拥护和鼓吹和平的资产阶级政治思潮,它起源于古代的宗教思想,认为一切任意杀人的行为都是错误的。19世纪初期开始形成了近代的和平主义 …
pacifism summary | Britannica
pacifism , The doctrine that war and violence as a means of settling disputes is morally wrong.The first genuinely pacifist movement was Buddhism, whose founder demanded from his followers absolute abstention from any act of violence against their fellow creatures.The ancient Greek conception of pacifism applied to individual conduct rather …
Pacificism - Wikipedia
Pacificism is the general term for ethical opposition to violence or war unless force is deemed necessary. Together with pacifism, it is born from the Western tradition or attitude that calls for peace. [citation needed] The former involves the unconditional refusal to support violence or absolute pacifism, but pacificism views the prevention of violence as its duty but recognizes the ...
Pacifism - SpringerLink
Absolute pacifism is often couched in the language of natural human rights, or divine command. Sometimes, distinctions are made between kinds of violence. A maximum version of absolute pacifism would reject all coercion and violence, often including the killing or mistreatment of animals, and harm done to the environment.
Pacifism: Theories of - SpringerLink
Fallibility pacifism, sometimes called “epistemological pacifism,” is the view that even if war could meet just war conditions in principle, our knowledge is too limited to justify it in fact. Due to the sheer scale of war, we cannot know relevant factors with sufficient confidence to warrant irrevocable violent actions between nations.
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