Brazilian Energy | Petrobras
Find out more about Connections for Innovation and see how open innovation works at Petrobras. The Journey of Energy Learn more about our operations and areas of expertise.
Who We Are - Petrobras
See how we are committed to being the best diversified and integrated energy company in generating value. Get to know Petrobras.
Profile: learn more about our company - Petrobras
Brazilians can trade in Petrobras shares on the B3, the Brazilian stock exchange, where common shares are coded PETR3 and preferred stocks, PETR4. Trading can be direct or through investment funds.
Journey: learn about our history - Petrobras
Fully nationally controlled and owned, with a majority interest of the Federal Government, Petrobras has a monopoly on the exploration of all stages of the oil industry, with the exception of distribution.
Exploration and production: going deep to innovate | Petrobras
Brazil possesses all the necessary conditions to be a global pioneer in the fair, inclusive and sustainable energy transition. And Petrobras possesses all the necessary conditions — and the plan — to lead this journey in Brazil. Our commitment is to seek continuity in improving the carbon efficiency of our E&P activities.
Strategic Plan: what guides our decisions | Petrobras
Check here the purpose, vision, and values of Petrobras, in addition to the business strategies and top goals of the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan.
O Brasil é a nossa Energia | Petrobras
Petrobras e Régia Capital criam fundo de R$ 100 milhões para projetos de bioeconomia
Our Brand: one of the most valuable brands in Brazil - Petrobras
When you hear about “Petrobras”, what comes to mind? A Brazilian company that develops technology to extract oil from the bottom of the ocean? A company that moves and transforms society based on the energy it produces?
Petrobras News Agency - Agência
Mar 10, 2025 · Access the main news, releases, articles, photos, documents, videos and audios from Petrobras
Our offices: see where we are | Petrobras
Petrobras America is currently focused on the sale of oil and gas. Our technology, developed for deep and ultra-deep water applications, has gained worldwide recognition with our US offshore operations in the Gulf of Mexico.