Polonium - Wikipedia
Polonium is a radioactive element that exists in two metallic allotropes. The alpha form is the only known example of a simple cubic crystal structure in a single atom basis at STP (space group Pm 3 m, no. 221). The unit cell has an edge length of 335.2 picometers; the …
Polonium | Definition, Symbol, Properties, Uses, & Facts | Britannica
Feb 1, 2025 · polonium (Po), a radioactive, silvery-gray or black metallic element of the oxygen group (Group 16 [VIa] in the periodic table). The first element to be discovered by radiochemical analysis, polonium was discovered in 1898 by Pierre and Marie Curie, who were investigating the radioactivity of a certain pitchblende, a uranium ore.
Facts About Polonium | Live Science
Dec 6, 2018 · Polonium (Po) is a very rare and highly volatile radioactive metal. Before Polish-French physicist Marie Curie 's discovery of polonium in 1898, uranium and thorium were the only known...
Polonium Facts – Po or Atomic Number 84 - Science Notes and …
Mar 9, 2024 · Polonium is a rare and highly radioactive element with the symbol Po and atomic number 84. A metal or metalloid in the periodic table, it lies in the p-block, and is a member of group 16, the chalcogens. Its discovery in 1898 marked a …
Polonium | Po (Element) - PubChem
Polonium is a chemical element with symbol Po and atomic number 84. Classified as a metalloid, Polonium is a solid at room temperature. J.C. Slater, J Chem Phys, 1964, 41 (10), 3199-3205. DOI:10.1063/1.1725697. B. Cordero, V. Gómez, A.E. Platero-Prats, M. Revés, J. Echeverría, E. Cremades, F. Barragán, S. Alvarez, Dalton Trans. 2008, 21, 2832-2838.
Polonium Facts, Symbol, Discovery, Uses, Poisoning - Chemistry …
Polonium (pronunciation: peh-LOW-nee-em) [3] is a rare, highly radioactive metalloid, classified as a Chalcogen [5] and represented by the chemical symbol Po [1, 2].
Polonium (Po) Element: Important Properties, Uses, Hazards
Oct 13, 2023 · Polonium is a chemical element with an atomic number of 84 and is represented by the symbol ‘Po’ in the periodic table. It is silvery in appearance and belongs to the p-block of group 16 of the periodic table. Polonium is the heaviest element within the chalcogen family.
Polonium | History, Uses, Facts, Physical & Chemical Characteristics
Polonium is a shiny silver metal. It exists in two allotropic forms, alpha and beta. The alpha form exists in a single atom arranged in a cubic crystal at standard temperature and pressure. While the beta form exists in a complex rhombohedral structure [3]. The atomic number of polonium is 84 and atomic mass is 209.
Polonium (Po) – Definition, Preparation, Properties, Uses
Jul 1, 2024 · Polonium is a rare and highly radioactive element with the symbol Po and atomic number 84. Discovered by Marie Curie and named after her native Poland, polonium is unique due to its intense radioactivity. It’s found in trace amounts in uranium ores and is produced synthetically in nuclear reactors.
What is Polonium - Uses of Polonium, Applications and Facts
Polonium is an alpha-emitter, hence it is used in antistatic devices and for research purposes. It is used in the form of a thin film on a stainless steel disc as an alpha-particle source. It is used to eliminate static electricity produced during processes such as rolling paper, wire and sheet metal.