Tumulus - Wikipedia
A tumulus (pl.: tumuli) is a mound of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves. Tumuli are also known as barrows , burial mounds , howes or (in Siberia and Central Asia) kurgans , and …
TUMULUS Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of TUMULUS is an artificial hillock or mound (as over a grave); especially : an ancient grave : barrow.
Tumulus culture - Wikipedia
The Tumulus culture (German: Hügelgräberkultur) was the dominant material culture in Central Europe during the Middle Bronze Age (c. 1600 to 1300 BC). It was the descendant of the …
Tumulus - New World Encyclopedia
A tumulus (plural tumuli) is a mound of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves. Tumuli are also known as barrows, burial mounds, or kurgans. When composed largely or entirely of …
TUMULUS | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
TUMULUS definition: 1. a pile of earth and stones that was put over a grave (= place where a dead person is buried) in…. Learn more.
Tumulus - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A tumulus (one tumulus, several tumuli) is a certain type of grave. The word comes from Latin. This way of burying people was common in the Stone age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. There …
What Is a Tumulus (Burial Mound)? And Where Is It Used?
May 15, 2020 · A tumulus is a man-made mound of earth and stones covering one or more graves. The term tumulus is Latin, and it translates to “mound” or “small hill.” The prefix tum …
What does tumulus mean? - Definitions.net
A tumulus is an ancient burial mound or barrow, typically made of earth or stones, raised over a grave or graves. They are usually found in archaeological sites and are significant in the study …
Tumulus - definition of tumulus by The Free Dictionary
tumulus, barrow - A tumulus is the mound of earth placed over a tomb, synonymous with barrow.
Dolmen - Wikipedia
A dolmen (/ ˈdɒlmɛn /) or portal tomb is a type of single-chamber megalithic tomb, usually consisting of two or more upright megaliths supporting a large flat horizontal capstone or …