GT meaning? : r/dragonball - Reddit
Jul 26, 2021 · The TV anime people wanted to continue for just a little bit more, but I [just couldn’t do] any more than that… And so, I left the Dragon Ball anime completely up to the anime staff, story and all. That was Dragon Ball GT. In car lingo, GT means “Gran Turismo”: a fast, high-powered car, in other words.
Why do people hate GT so much? : r/dragonball - Reddit
Jan 6, 2023 · SS4 gets marketed all the time. GT's characters get thrown into near any game they can get squeezed into. Before Dragon Ball Heroes extended GT's concepts to keep up with Super's, it spent years keeping the franchise going in Japan driven in no small part by GT content. Even The Dragon Ball Super card game incorporated GT characters. That is ...
Why is Baby from Dragon Ball GT such a popular character? Do
Much more memorable than Super 17, any of the individual Shadow Dragons, or practically any antagonist at all from the Black Star Dragon Ball arc. His arc is also the longest one. Reply reply
Dragon ball GT rewatch: my final thoughts on the series with a
Oct 11, 2017 · GT is a fun series that does a better job of recapturing Dragon Ball's charm after DBZ started getting a little too deep into the 'action' of an 'action-comedy' series. It's not perfect, but DBZ and DB weren't either. Plus... Super Saiyan 4 is still cooler than Ultra Instinct ;).
Dragon Ball GT is SO much better than Super. : r/dbz - Reddit
Sep 23, 2022 · The various concepts introduced in GT, (Ssj4, Baby, and The Shadow Dragons) were genuinely creative and new ideas in both design and narrative, having a transformation that fully embraces the Saiyan race, the hateful Baby determined to ruin every aspect of Goku’s life, and the Shadow Dragons acting as the balancing force of the Dragon Balls ...
Should I watch GT or Super first, and what movies are worth
Feb 25, 2021 · Yeah, GT isn’t canon. I also believe it takes place after super would as the GT movie: hero’s legacy features Goku and vegeta jr and elderly pan. So I’d say watch super first, then if you really want to, you could watch GT. even though It gets a lot of hate but it’s my second favorite in the franchise.
Is Dragon Ball GT really that bad? : r/dbz - Reddit
I dont know why people hate GT so much, it was a nice throwback to original dragon ball, without the ridiculous power differences. I thought they were sneaking because when goku was turned into a kid, he lost most of his power, hence he wasnt able to use teleportation anymore and trunks just stoped training, becuse he was working in a office ...
Toriyama's own statements on Dragon Ball 'Canon' over the past
Dec 31, 2016 · Dragon Ball GT is a grand side-story of the original Dragon Ball, and it’ll make me happy for us to watch and enjoy it together." Goku in the Anime 1997 Quote "There’s how, basically, Son Goku from Dragon Ball doesn’t fight for the sake of others, but because he wants to fight against strong guys.
So why is Dragonball GT not canon? : r/dbz - Reddit
May 18, 2016 · When people say canon when it comes to dragon ball, they ultimately mean what has toriayama conceptualized for the Manga. The dragon ball Manga ended with buu. That's the last canon coalition piece we had until super, which follows a different ish rule since now the concept of Canon refers to what is written or inspired by Akira.
Can somebody explain the ending of GT? : r/dbz - Reddit
Feb 16, 2015 · You're thinking of Dragon Ball GT episode 64; ... Dragon Ball DVDs from an alternate universe [OC] 3.