Jon Snow - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Jon Snow is the bastard son of Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell.[8] He has five half-siblings: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon Stark. Unaware of the identity of his …
Snow (TV series) - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Snow focuses on Jon Snow following the events of the War of the Five Kings and the Great War against the White Walkers. Production Conception and development. A sequel series to Game …
Jon Snow/Theories - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
One of the earliest introduced mysteries in A Song of Ice and Fire is the identity of Jon Snow's mother. On several occasions, the topic is brought to the reader's attention in text, although …
Category:Images of Jon Snow - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Thomas Denmark jon snow whight.jpg 740 × 488; 79 KB Tizianobaracchi jon snow1200 by thaldir-d7txgs6.jpg 880 × 1,200; 197 KB We Are The Watcher On The Walls zippo514.jpg 1,024 × …
Ygritte - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
She has pretty blue-grey eyes which Jon Snow thinks are too far apart. Her legs are skinny but well muscled. Jon, who is three years younger and half a foot taller, thinks Ygritte is short for …
Azor Ahai/Theories - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Jon Snow. Jon's wounds smoke while Bowen Marsh cries, providing the prophecised salt, and Ser Patrek's bloody, star laden heraldry is in the air above. When Melisandre looks into her …
Longclaw - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Jeor gives the blade to Jon, who notes the appropriateness of a bastard wielding a bastard sword. Jon's friends celebrate after he receives the blade. A Clash of Kings. Jon uses Longclaw in …
Lord Commander of the Night's Watch - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
↑ In late 299 AC, Maester Aemon tells Jon Snow that "thirty years ago" Ser Wynton Stout was almost elected as Lord Commander of the Night's Watch (A Storm of Swords, Jon VIII). This …
Ghost - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Jon is captured by Rattleshirt's wildlings in the Skirling Pass. When Qhorin forces Jon into a duel, Ghost bites the Halfhand's calf and Jon uses the distraction to kill the ranger. A Storm of …
Free folk - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Jon Snow arranges the wedding of Alys Karstark of Karhold to Sigorn, with the blessing of Stannis's queen Selyse Florent, thereby creating House Thenn. Jon sends Val beyond the …