Home - Welcome To The Cronometer Community
Join over 10 million users who are using Cronometer to track their health and nutrition. If you have a technical question, bug report, feature request or just need some motivation, the community is here to help.
Mass import of data - Welcome To The Cronometer Community
My apologies, I was mistaken about the option to import all the data from Google Fit into your Cronometer account at once. Cronometer can import data from Google Fit when you open a day in your diary. Visiting any day in the past for which …
Tips & Tricks: Getting Started - Welcome To The Cronometer …
If you’re new to Cronometer let us be the first to say – welcome aboard! We are thrilled to have you and we feel like we’ve created the perfect app to help you reach your goals. Whether you’re looking to track your protein intake to gain muscle composition, keep an eye on your magnesium and omega 3 for better health or shed a couple ...
Nutrient Density Cheat Sheet - Welcome To The Cronometer …
So, I exploited a loophole in Cronometer's data export feature. I included 100g servings of every food on the spreadsheet into a single day, and used Cronometer's "export serving data" to generate a spreadsheet that included all of the essential nutrient data. That spreadsheet is the foundation of all of the calculations I used.
How to compare the nutrition of two foods in Cronometer
Feb 23, 2018 · Switching from chickpeas to tofu would mean fewer carbs, a bit more fat including w3 and w6, more proteins spread across the board, minor changes in vitamins, less sodium and more minerals. Cronometer tells us the nutritional effect of the substitution. Try it and see for yourself... Cronometer is awesome!
Lifetime membership - Welcome To The Cronometer Community
I couldn’t agree more. As a user who drops in and out of using Cronometer, I’ve used the app on and off for years and don’t think I’ve had 2 solid years worth of use from the basic app with my time added together, but I’d gladly pay that as the lifetime option shows you have confidence in your product and I will reach my goal inside of the 2 years that would have been the normal ...
Kilojoules settings — Welcome To The Cronometer Community
Can I add my voice to this? I've been using MyFitnessPal and someone recommended I check out Cronometer. It looks much better, I could absolutely see myself switching in a heartbeat - if Cronometer supported kilojoules in the display. But I'm Australian, and there's just too much friction if my tracker app shows everything in calories whilst ...
Average Weight By Week Date - Welcome To The Cronometer …
The graph below is a chart that I created in Excel based on the weight data in Cronometer. The article below called out the need to watch average weight per week given that weight can vary throughout the week without necessarily being a true picture of what is happening with a diet plan.
Lumen Integration — Welcome To The Cronometer Community
What I would really appreciate is to have the Lumen Macros for the day automatically get imported as the Cronometer targets for the day. That's the one setting that I have to tinker with every day. It's a chore. If that worked, then I would be super happy with BOTH apps 😀
Just Add Calories — Welcome To The Cronometer Community
In my particular case, I'm just tracking calories as my primary concern and basic macros as secondary. If I want to add a food that is not in the database, and I don't want to bother filling out all of the nutrient facts.. essentially I just want to add its, …