The True Origins of the Dogman : r/Cryptozoology - Reddit
Oct 11, 2022 · The Dogmen is one of the most popular "cryptids" today, and I can't blame people for liking it. Personally the Beast of Bray Road is my favorite, why a cryptid is deciding to hang around on a random road I don't understand, but I find it extremely funny.
How we know Dogmen aren't real : r/Cryptozoology - Reddit
Feb 25, 2023 · Dogmen "feel" out of place in our time line but that's mostly because of their immense size as a land mammal. Yet they're still tiny compared to a blue whale which exists today. Their hands are unusual, but raccoons, monkeys and even some frogs have hands so it's not that unusual. Humans aren't the only animals with hands.
So how dangerous are dogmen? : r/dogman - Reddit
Oct 4, 2022 · Some of these dogmen creatures are high ranking witches who have done ritual blood sacrifices and by “selling their soul” to either Satan himself or a demon for an exchange of demonic powers, such as shapeshifting. Other dogmen, the really big ones are nephilim that were described in the Bible. Matthew 24:37
Dogman Types : r/dogman - Reddit
May 1, 2020 · We know so very little about Dogmen, their types, ancestry/ies, cultures, codes, that we likely haven't even scraped the surface. It is literally 'he said, she said.' To imagine that there are 'experts' in this elusive and most complex and multi-faceted cryptid is just unrealistic and reeks of human aggrandisment imo.
My personal studies on Dogman/Dogmen. : r/dogman - Reddit
Apr 25, 2019 · -Dogmen range between 6-8ft when standing upright. -Are incredibly durable but can be killed -Known to possess great intelligence (reports of them tapping on windows and running away to lead people outside) -Have conflicts with Bigfoot from my knowledge they don't seem to like eachother in the slightest.
My opinion on What a dogman is... - Reddit
Mar 9, 2020 · Some dogmen I believe are full 100% evil spirits (interdenominational entities) that are able to materialize here in this world by coming through demonic portals by the helps of wicked men. That’s what I believe when I hear in some stories when people shoot these things, there were sometimes no blood trace or a slight of affect on these ...
Dogmen eye color : r/dogman - Reddit
I have heard of encounters of eye colors changing right in front of people. I think this is situational and only certain dogmen but it does seem that eye color dictates the mentality of the individual dogman. Blue is best green is ok red is bad ect... Based off my hundreds of encounters I've binge listened to this is my opinion.
What do you think dogmen really are? : r/dogman - Reddit
Some of these dogmen creatures are high ranking witches who have done ritual blood sacrifices and by “selling their soul” to either Satan himself or a demon for an exchange of demonic powers, such as shapeshifting. Other dogmen, the really big ones are nephilim that were described in the Bible. Matthew 24:37
What do you think dogmen are? : r/dogman - Reddit
Jun 23, 2023 · Dogmen have also been all over history, for example the beast of geveaudan (or however that is spelled). I do think they might be some kind of wolf/human hybrid. How that is possible is out of my knowledge but I am sure that a advanced civilisation sich as certain extraterrestrials that are able to clone and creat life in a lab, would be able ...
Anyone here from Taylor, Mississipi? : r/dogman - Reddit
Sep 3, 2022 · Super late to the party and not from Taylor but I live about 20 minutes away. Stumbled upon this thread looking for accounts like the one I’ve heard of dogmen in that town. I’ve heard the story of an electrician who was up in the basket of a cherry picker truck fixing something on a telephone pole when one started circling the truck.