how to replace a timing chain? - Page 2 | Polaris RZR Forum
Dec 13, 2011 · milos . 2015 Sandstorm F350 GSLR 14 RZR XP Z1100 Speed UTV on order. Save Share
Tool Needed - Polaris RZR Forum - RZR Forums.net
Jun 18, 2010 · Thanks to both of you -- Tim and Milos for the contact information. I'll call and order the tool this morning. I have coming the "Kit" for adjusting the TPS - Ordered that from an auction on EBay. Now that I've Finally got the A/F correct on the new motor - I need to open the throttle plate more as the engine needs more air so it will idle ...
Pcv valve question | Polaris RZR Forum - RZR Forums.net
Oct 10, 2015 · milos . 2015 Sandstorm F350 GSLR 14 RZR XP Z1100 Speed UTV on order. Save Share
XP 900 green rod bearing | Polaris RZR Forum - RZR Forums.net
Mar 7, 2012 · Milos, looks like the difference between the biggest and smallest is only .0008" thats not much for a rod bearing.Less than 1 thousands of an inch. If you have to go up 1 size it might even be better for a big bore turbo engine. A little loose is …
Pined and welded crank | Polaris RZR Forum - RZR Forums.net
Mar 13, 2010 · As Milos's pic's show - Welding a spot weld into a drilled hole isn't going to offer much resistance in the crank bending as it is pressed into the counterweight. The Crankworks crank is designed with the rod pin as one complete rod being pressed into the ends of the crank end bell. Here's a closeup pic to illustrate .. ..
how to replace a timing chain? - Polaris RZR Forum - RZR …
Dec 9, 2011 · milos . 2015 Sandstorm F350 GSLR 14 RZR XP Z1100 Speed UTV on order. Save Share
fuel rail regulator | Polaris RZR Forum - RZR Forums.net
Aug 1, 2016 · Hey Milosusa. Hey i finally understand how the fuel rail regulator works. Learnign stuff everyday. I understand the in-tank pump produces more lbs then needed and the fuel rail regulator is set up for so many lbs to the injectors and thats why there is a return line to send the additional pressure back to the fuel tank.
Primary Clutch Spider nut socket - Polaris RZR Forum
Aug 13, 2015 · milos Polaris RZR XP 900, Polaris Ranger 800 - Polaris XP 1000 . 2015 Sandstorm F350 GSLR 14 RZR XP Z1100 ...
Pulling engine any tips? - Polaris RZR Forum - RZR Forums.net
Jul 16, 2012 · milos . 2015 Sandstorm F350 GSLR 14 RZR XP Z1100 Speed UTV on order. Save Share
Factory or aftermarket turbo? - Polaris RZR Forum - RZR Forums.net
Aug 12, 2015 · Milos and Sswim, thanks for the replies, I'm almost certain I'm going with the Z1, I really like the reliability of that motor and the that you can make over 200hp on pump gas. I will be needing a high dollar clutch tho, I've already wornout 4 clutches with just the stock setup.