android - adb uninstall failed - Stack Overflow
adb root adb shell pm list packages pm uninstall com.android.chrome In my case, i have a phone that is in permanent 'Safe mode' so only apps under /system/app/ have a chance of running. So i install them to get the .apk files copied off, then uninstall in bulk and copy to /system/app/, wipe the /cache and reboot.
android - Push my apk to /system/app - Stack Overflow
Jan 5, 2010 · These are the steps if you are installing a system apk for Android 5.0 or later devices. For older versions use posaidong's answer. Rename your apk file to base.apk $ adb push base.apk /sdcard/ Enter the console and get the shell $ adb shell Switch to superuser. If your device is not rooted, get it rooted first.
$ adb shell settings put global verifier_verify_adb_installs 0. If you can actually set it, it will prevent checking of APKs over ADB. Sometimes you will need to disable the package verifier as well using: $ adb shell settings put global package_verifier_enable 0. On KitKat, you can see here that these settings are in the Global database:
android - adb update a non-market apk? - Stack Overflow
Mar 10, 2010 · adb install -r didn't work for me. So, I did a little workaround. Uninstall app but keep the data by using adb uninstall -k com.packagename. This will uninstall the app but keeps the data. See this. Install the app again using adb install package.here. Note: You must have root access to execute this commands.
adb - How do I get an apk file from an Android device ... - Stack …
Oct 27, 2010 · adb backup -apk com.twitter.android An important thing here is to not set up a password for encrypt your ...
Listing permissions of Android application via adb
adb shell dumpsys package packagename and check grantedPermissions section at the bottom of the output. To list all permissions (requested but not granted + requested and granted): Notice the APK of a package. You can run the same command. adb shell dumpsys package packagename and get the APK path from codePath element of its output.
adb - How to reinstall an app, without retaining the data?
It's adb uninstall com.package.foo && adb install foo.apk, however the uninstall won't work if the app is a system app, which can't be uninstalled. There's the command adb shell pm clear packageName to clear a certain app's data, however it may require root.
How to start an application using Android ADB tools
Nov 8, 2021 · Then "chmod +x adb-run.sh" to make it executable. Now you can simply: adb-run.sh myapp.apk The benefit here is that you don't need to know the package name or launchable activity name. Similarly, you can create "adb-uninstall.sh myapp.apk" Note: This requires that you have Android Asset Packaging Tool (aapt) in your path. You can find it under ...
Get application version name using adb - Stack Overflow
Aug 13, 2012 · well if you insist doing it in adb, you can do: adb shell service call package 1 s16 "my.package" i32 0. the version number will be somewhere near 0x1F and the name string after 0x20 (should be 3rd line) –
adb - How to install multiple android applications ( from apk files ...
@aloha_erich you are right, adb install-multiple is not for installing multiple apps in one command, instead it's for installing one app with multiple parts, for example many apps installed from google store now have split APKS, like base.apk, split_config.en.apk, …