AFK Flag | Hypixel Forums
May 21, 2016 · Does anyone know how the newly updated AFK Flag works? thank you very much. It’s like surrender, but your aren’t there! if you get flagged for afk you will be unable to vote during voting, you will be flagged for afk if you dont place blocks for the last like 2 or 3 minutes of the build, not quite sure on that.
AFK in Alterac Valley : r/classicwow - Reddit
"/me has flagged you AFK. You will be kicked out of the battlegrounds in 5 minutes. To remove the flag, type /AFK off" xxLegolasxx has left the battleground.
gI0baI/fast-flags - GitHub
Is Roblox forcing textures to look all slushy and distorted? No problem, this Flag controls all that! It allows you to set the quality of textures from 0 to 3, where 0 and 3 are the lowest and highest quality, respectively. {
How AFK flagging works - Ultima Online Forums
You can be AFK in the game as long as you are not performing actions/skills/etc. Players can AFK in the dungeon legitimately. For example: if I die, perhaps I AFK and make a phone call or use the bathroom knowing I have plenty of time to get my corpse back.
What does "AFK" mean in gaming? Explained - hitmarker.net
Sep 7, 2022 · What does AFK stand for in gaming and when is it used? AFK is an abbreviation for “away from keyboard”, a term that dates all the way back to the early days of the internet. It’s used whenever someone has to step away from their computer or console and indicates that they’re unable to respond to messages or engage in any encounters ...
How to set back to auto un-afking - World of Warcraft Forums
Dec 16, 2022 · In the past I would sometimes keep it so I could still be flagged as AFK if I moved, but I want to turn that off in DF, but I can not find how to turn it back to the game removing your AFK flag when you move and I have to /afk every time to remove the AFK flag.
Change rules for AFK player - Technical Support - World of …
Feb 13, 2025 · All you can do is report as afk, it might take a while, but non participation is penalty, many have had honor wiped, gear removed and suspensions. Further feedback belongs in the pvp channel. How to report a player who isn't participating in a battleground.
What are the triggers for the AFK flag? - Steam Community
Sep 16, 2020 · Probably not the case anymore but i triggered the AFK flag twice in my playtime. Once with Ash when clearing room full of enemies in Void defense (basically standing still and pressing 4 ocassionally triggered the AFK flag)
afk flag in BGs on toons - Warmane
Dec 14, 2024 · If you are seeing the "Inactive" debuff (the one with the cow) directly without having been "Idle" (the one with the closed eye) first, then you are flagged by the automatic afk system. Like a year ago they changed the anti afk warden to act super aggressive.
Afk flagging - fix this - Battlegrounds - World of Warcraft Forums
Jun 6, 2022 · Everyone’s sick of people joining any PvP group and then just afking for the duration. This inactivity should be flagged within 3 minutes and double checked for a disconnect or a crash with client responsiveness.
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